7/17/09...Her latest thing!
7/17/09...Uncle Rance the All-Star!
7/17/09...Getting some snackies during the game!
7/17/09...This was after the game and we went to eat at Rosa's at about 11 PM.
7/17/09...Her latest thing!
7/17/09...Uncle Rance the All-Star!
7/17/09...Getting some snackies during the game!
7/17/09...This was after the game and we went to eat at Rosa's at about 11 PM.
This is basically what Berkley is doing ALL THE TIME now! As you can see in the video, when she falls she just pops right back up with such ease! She cracked us up last night because she just took off and I swear it was like she was going to start running! I know it won't be long and she will be running everywhere! But anyway that is just a quick video of how life around the Meadows house is lately! Hope you enjoyed and hope you are having a great week!
7/8/09...I really love this picture except for the booger that snuck out!
7/8/09...Just giving one of those looks!
7/8/09...She tried catching the water that she poured out of the bowl and seemed quite perplexed that it kept going through her her fingers!
7/7/09...At Sonic with mom...She is very stylish in her zebra print! There is a "peace" sign on the front with rhinestones!
7/7/09...Showing off her pearly whites! Yes, that is a bruise under her eye; she hit the corner of one of the end tables. And yes, that is a bruise on her forehead also; she fell and hit the fireplace! I swear this girl is more clumsy by the day but I suppose it happens to the best of 'em!
7/2/09...She tried getting out of my arms every chance she could!
7/4/09...Texas Freshwater Fisheries-those are the catfish I was talking about! Absolutely HUGE! She napped at the Fishery also and then by the time we were fishing she was pretty agitated because it was lunchtime which is the picture of her sitting up in her seat with "that look" on her face! (The other fish is a large-mouth bass and the others are trophy fish from the throughout the state!)7/4/09...Thad caught the first fish of the day! (As you can see, they weren't trophy fish but it was fun none the less!)