Things we are doing, working on and some places we have been (so far): for Memorial Day weekend we went to my Nana and Papa's and had a nice time relaxing with them, Mema and Papa and seeing Gigi (hated to miss Rachel and Jayden), that Wednesday Thad and I went to Luling for his boss's mother's funeral and came back on Thursday, Jack was congested and had horrible yeast infection on his hiney so he went to the doctor, we took Berk's pacifier away from her that Friday (and she has survived), Berk started potty training that following MOnday (and we are both surviving though I didn't think we would after day 1) and Jack turned 3 months old on the 11th! It's been crazy so far but it has been so much fun (most days) with both of them at home! When Jack went to the doctor for his "issues" he weighed 12 lbs. 2 oz. so it will intersting to see what he weighs when he goes for his four-month appoitment. Jack is rolling over consistently and wearing some 3-6 month clothes! It makes me so sad that this is probably the last time we go through these things! :*( Berk is doing great in week two with potty training and I am hoping that we have gotten past our hard times with it! We are going to try to get back down to Luling with the kids to visit and go to Schlitterbahn and Thad and I are going to San Antonio for our anniversary! My mom and sister and Jayden are coming out this weekend for a baby shower and I'm excited to have some time with them! Thad is going fishing with the boys and I can't wait to show you his Father's Day gift! Lots left to do and it seems that school will be starting so shortly! Oh well, enjoy the pictures and I will try to do a better job updating!
6/15/10...Reading before bedtime!