Well Berkley is doing great with her breathing treatments and her medicine and really doesn't even act like she is sick! I know that her appetite has not failed her while she has been sick; yesterday evening she ate a whole thing of green beans, a whole thing of prunes AND 2 ounces of formula! She is becomine quite the heavyweight and I am anxious to see how much weight she has gained in a week and a day. We go back to the doctor on Thursday for a follow-up and hopefully they will say that that she is doing much better! No matter what they say, we know that she is doing much better as she doesn't cough as much and when she does, it isn't as "chesty." Her nose is also not running 24/7 but does still run after a breathing treatment which is normal. One thing I do know is that we are so grateful that we have good insurance as a the 4 boxes of her breathing treatment medicine only cost us $10 but without insurance it is $371.99!!! She is still quite the personality around the house and there really isn't a time when we aren't cracking up about something she is doing or a face she has made. I think Webster (the cat) knows that it won't be long until she is crawling and chasing him because everytime we put her near him, he just looks at us like "ARE YOU CRAZY!" Last night I put her near him to see what she would and I swear she lifted her whole body up and then just fell back down! Of course Thad wasn't paying attention so I just seem like the delirious one, but I know she did it! We know it won't be long before she is crawling everywhere and then of course walking! We think that she won't be in the crawling phase long and will probably be walking a lot sooner than we hope! Well that is about it, I just thought I would post some new pictures and give a quick update about how she was doing with her "condition!" I will post again on Thursday for sure!!
1/27/09...I just thought this was a cute little outfit to lounge in
1/31/09...Well she has finally gotten big enough to wear the robe and slippers that Nicole and Levi got her. I think she loved something other than a towel to be wrapped in!
1/29/09...Thursday we stayed home; she was napping and had her blankie over her face! Don't worry I periodically made sure that she was breathing!
1/29/09...Same day we stayed home; she doesn't look sick does she?! And of course we are gearing up for NASCAR to start this weekend! Go Dale Jr.!
2/2/09...After finishing off her prunes! Looks more like chocolate pudding to us!!
1 comment:
Yea! So good to hear she's feeling better! It will be lots of fun whenever she starts crawling!! :)
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