Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Long Time Without Pictures!

So, the end of this summer was very hectic, hence the lack of posting! We have been to Wichita Falls to see my nephew be born (not actually "see" but you know) and we also went to Ruidoso for alittle getaway before school started. Add to that I have been doing school inservice since the 11th of August and trying to get my room situated and you see where I can say that it has been hectic! Well school is back in full-swing and it's nice to be back on a schedule but I must say, I didn't thyink that it took staying in shape to be a teacher but I was EXHAUSTED after yesterday! (The first day back) I felt like I had chased Berk around for 7 straight days, but I guess that is what 11 four-year olds will do to you! I don't have any pictures from our Ruidoso trip here at school with me (since it is naptime season and all), but I will post some pictures from that trip soon. (I promise not to go another MONTH without posting!) Oh yeah, I haven't mentioned that Thad got me a Canon Rebel XTI for our anniversary and I am having WAY TOO MUCH FUN shooting with that thing! I love it, love it, love it! But anyway here are a couple of pictures of Berk when we still had the luxury of just me and her lounging around the house! Oh and did I mention that I am SUPER SAD that Berk turns ONE in a week and a half?! I can't believe the year has just flown by! Oh yeah and she has SEVEN teeth now; 4 on bottom and 3 on top! Hope you enjoy!


7/28/09...Wanting to share her peaches with me! This girl can down a whole fruit cup and a bowl of Chef Boyardee and STILL come begging for more food!

7/30/09...This is the look that I told Thad he better get ready to be seeing!! Miss Thang!

7/27/09...These are the flowers that Thad got me for our 2-year anniversary! Oh, did I forget to mention that?!
7/30/09...She loves cuddling with anything she get her hands on!

7/30/09...These are some boots we got her while we were in Canton! They are squeaky and she just cracked me up looking over her big belly at them!

8/4/09...Cheesing like normal! She loves playing with the bowls in the kitchen if I am trying to cook supper!

8/4/09...We went outside to wait on dad to get home but it didn't last long because the mosquitos were bad...but of course I had to get a snaphot of this belly hanging over her skirt!!

8/12/09...One of my favorite pictures of Berk! I swear you can just see her personality oozing out of every pore of her body!! Love that girl!

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