Our Thanksgiving break was full of fun with both sides of the family and we enjoyed getting to see almost everyone! (We hate that we missed some of you :( ) Berk had plenty of fun indulging in all the new foods but wasn't really too hot on all of it! She would have probably rather have had just her normal peas, carrots or corn and we could have called it good! But it was great to see all the of the families and it was fun to see Berk interact with my sister's baby, Jayden! The first thing she said when I was holding him was "Bubba." It was so cute, but she was sure quick to say "Bye byes" when it was time for him to go! She has started carrying around her baby and says "Baby" and gives "Bubba" kisses and hugs when you ask her to! She will sometimes raise up my shirt kiss "bubba" and then quickly put my shirt back down! She is such a chatterbox right now but it is so fun to here all the things she is saying! She can tell you what a horse, cow, sheep, chicken, bee, turkey, dog, cat and Santa say! Oh and she has also learned the word "NO" and uses it in the right context; along with her budding attitude it can get very interesting around here! We have also started to wean Berk off of her paci and she has done pretty good with it so far; she just gets it at nap time or bed time. We are trying to get her completely weaned by the time Jack gets here so she won't be so shell-shocked by something different! But anyway here are some pictures from the break and also a picture of the growing baby boy! I am 26 weeks and 1 day pregnant today and will go back to the doctor on the 17th for my 28 week appointment when I have to do my glucose test to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes! Well here are the pictures and I hope everyone had a safe and blessed Thanksgiving!
11/25/09...Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!
11/25/09...The little turkey at Thanksgiving!
11/25/09...Oh yes, another thing she has become fond of is climbing on EVERYTHING she get get her legs on!
11/25/09...Uncle Rance and Berk. This is her look now days when you want to take her picture!
11/27/09...Thad holding baby Jayden! Him and Berk have the same color eyes except his are a shade darker! He was so docile the whole time and just rolled and talked and wanted everyone's attention! What a doll! :)
12/1/09...Baby Jack!
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