The title of this blog post pretty much sums up how I have been feeling for about 10 weeks now! But as the time is QUICKLY approaching I am hit with the reality that this weekend could have been our last weekend as a family of 3! I am nervous, a little scared and overall just ready to have baby Jack in my arms. When I went for my 38 week appointment last Thursday everything was "great:" I was only fingertip dilated, my blood pressure was great and his heart rate was wonderful. Dr. Phillips told me that the earliest they would induce would be at 39 weeks (tomorrow) and obviously we are not going to do that; I totally want to try and let my body do the work but it is definitley becoming more difficult by the day. (I am not a big fan of surprises or of waiting!) The longest she said she would let me go over my due date is 2 weeks and I have pretty much crossed that off the list! I have an appointment on Thursday again (which will also be my last day of work) and it is in the afternoon, so like I said before there is a possibility that blood pressure could be high and we could have a baby by Friday. (Maybe some running in place before she takes my blood pressure?!) We also had to move my appointment from the 11th to the 8th (Jack's actual due date) and so hopefully if he hasn't graced us with his presence by then then we can set a date for induction. Like I said, I really want to try and be patient with my body and let it go through due process, but it's more a peace of mind issue for me; I feel like anything can happen with him inside my body (i.e. Berkley's knot in her cord) and I just want to have him so that I can protect him. I know that sounds corny but it's the easiest way to explain some of the anxiety I am feeling! Also, the ladies here at work had a double shower for me and our principal who is due at the beginning of April last Wednesday. It was so sweet and Jack got plenty of essentials; THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! Anyway enough about my worrying and constant thinking, here are some pictures of Jack's room that we finished today (minus his initials that will go above his bed when I finish painting them). A HUGE thank you has to go out to my wonderful husband for shampooing and vacuuming all the rooms in our house; I can't explain how grateful I am! There are also some pictures of Miss Thang to keep you up-to-date on her! Have a great week! And I will post a belly shot of me at 39 weeks sometime this week.
2/20/10...This was from Randi's shower last weekend. She was perfectly content just sitting as this table by herself!
2/26/10...This was Friday after we got home. She was in just a wonderful mood!
2/26/10...Here she is trying to give bubba Jack some of her "moo juice!" She is going to be such a great big sister and I am so ready to see it in reality!
2/28/10...Jack's crib; of course the flowered clothing is not his! His initials will go above his bed in green, blue and brown.
2/28/10...Changing table. I also found the little sayings at Hobby Lobby and I just love that they are so inspirational!
2/28/10...Corner of the room with the jumperoo (a lifesaver with Berk) and the little wire sports things that I also found at Hobby Lobby!
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