Well August is here and it is almost gone....and with August comes back to school and one month until Berk is TWO YEARS OLD! To get her in the "birthday mood" we went to our nephew Jayden's first birthday the second weekend in August. I can't believe our "babies" are getting so big! Berk loved all of the birthday festivities and I can't wait to see her at her own! Jack is getting HUGE and we can't believe that he is already 5 months old! He probably weighs around 20 lbs. and is every bit of it! His legs are like tree trunks,, but he is the sweetest boy! He is eating great and has started the fruits! So far he has had apples, bananas and is currently on pears. He will go to peaches and then prunes and then we will be clear of the fruits and vegetables and he can move on to the GOOD stuff i.e. hawaiian delight and strawberries and bananas! He is wearing 6-9 month clothes and the few 3-6 month clothes he can fit into are VERY SNUG (especially around the booty area!) He is also teething and is loving his thumb! (Or anything for that matter!) They are doing great with getting back into a school routine since these last two weeks have been inservice. It's still hard to believe that our first summer with two babies has FLOWN by! I can't wait to see what next summer has in store for us! There are tons of pictures from Jayden's party (of course not all of them), some pictures that I took of Rachel and Jayden and then some snapshots of hte stinkers! Hope this gets your caught up! I will try to get back into the groove of updating this more often! Have a great rest of the week!
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