Well last week was a fun one for our family. Berk got to go to her first circus on the 3rd (which wasn't a big to do) and then we took her and Jack to their first Tech football game on Saturday. The circus was just a little one that came through Lamesa, complete with NOTHING that a normal circus would have; i.e. an elephant, tigers, clowns! The best thing about it was the cage that had the two motorcyclists going around at the same time. Nonetheless, Berk really enjoyed it. Then that Saturday we got the wild hair to take both of them to the Tech game. They played Missouri and we were sure that it would be a blow out (Missouri was ranked 14th at the time and Tech was not playing well), but alas, Tech pulled it out AFTER we left! We left at halftime because the weather was starting to cool down and we were losing, but then finished listening to it on the radio and was disappointed that we left! Berk and Jack had a GREAT time and were both, for the most part, pretty well-behaved! (Jack even slept through some of the first quarter!) Berk LOVED seeing all the people, listening to the fight song and seeing the Masked Rider and Raider Red. When we were leaving she was BEGGING to go and see Raider Red. It made it better that the Masked Rider's horse was in the trailer when we left so she got to see it. All in all I am so HAPPY that we took them! I know that this will be a great thing in years to come.
Jack turned 8 months old yesterday and is the biggest boy! Today I put him in an outfit that was 18 months and it was a LITTLE big, but not like it should have been on an 8 month old! He probably weighs about 22 or 23 lbs and is probably around 27 inches long. We go to the doctor on the 13th of December for his 9 month check and I will be so happy when she tells us to start giving him whole milk! I am so tired of this formula and his spit up and am hoping that milk will solve that! He is still eating anything you will give him: 3 jars of baby food at one sitting and screams for more! He still only has 2 teeth but I don't think his top two are far behind! He is crawling and pulling up on everything and can get anywhere he wants to pretty quick! He is such a blessing in our house and I love the way he and Berk interact. He just lights up everytime she is near and they have this thing right now where she will start squealing and he will join right in with her! I love it! The other day they were playing together and Thad and I just looked at each and he said "You know that we are fixing to be in for it, right?!" I couldn't help but laugh because it is so true but it is the best thing we could ever have done! I am so happy that they are so close in age and will be accomplices in the near future!
Next weekend will be a busy one for us as well, as we are planning on taking Berk to "Sesame Street Live" in San Angelo on Friday night! We aren't telling her, just that we are going to go and see Aunt Sara; I know she will be so excited! Then we have tickets to the Tech game Saturday and Holiday Happenings is in Lubbock! We will see how much we get around to! Anyway I hope everyone stays warm this weekend and I will be posting pics of "Sesame Street Live" after we go!
Oh yes, those family pictures that we got made last month, well Pamra has posted some of them on her website and here is the link if you want to take a gander: http://rollsoffun.blogspot.com/.
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