Well Berkley went to the doctor yesterday and everything looked good. Her stats for being a ONE YEAR OLD are:
Weight: 24 lbs. 11 oz (95th percentile)
Height: 30.5 inches (97th percentile)
Dr. Landry said everything looked great and that she has really come a long way since being that 5 lb. 8 oz. baby she first saw! (Tell me about it!) The only thing that we were "worried" about was of course the swine flu and its vaccine and also the MMR shot that has raised so much ruccus. Dr. Landry was very reassuring about both of these things and I think we have the information we need to make a good decision in the best interest of our daughter. As of right now, she will get a regular flu shot (along with me) and we will avoid the swine flu vaccine. Dr. Landry was very informative about the actual dangers and said that Berk could get the swine flu and we might never know; she said kids are more apt to be in higher danger from the regular flu. So that is where we are with that and she also said that we can wait until 18 months instead of 15 months to get her MMR shot, which was reassuring. So, all in all things went well besides the ONE HOUR wait in the room before she came in to see us, but I guess that is just what you pay for! Also, Pamra has posted her pictures on her website
www.rollsoffun.photoreflect.com and I am going to have such a hard time choosing which ones I want prints of! I think a CD will be the best option and then a book of course! I just love Pamra to death and I highly recommend her for any of your photography needs!! Anyway hope you get a chance to check out the pictures and I will try to get a picture post up for all of you who need your "Berk Tate daily fix!"