Well this weekend was a three-day weekend for me; not by choice, but because Berkley was sick starting Thursday afternoon! She started running a 101.5 fever AGAIN (the second time in 3 weeks) and had run fever everyday until this morning. She woke up Friday morning about 4 and was absolutely BURNING UP so we took her temperature and sure enough it was 101.3! We started our rounds of Motrin and Tylenol and got ready to see the doc. I took her into the doctor HOPING against HOPE that it was NOT the flu because I knew that if she had it then I would be next and unfortunately being pregnant there is absolutely NOTHING they can give you except a pat on the back! (And of course by the time we get there her fever is nonexistent and I look like a delirious mother!) Luckily the test came back negative for flu but the doctor was still baffled why she would be spiking such a high fever so frequently (welcome to the club) so she decided to test her for a UTI which meant that they had to put a catheter in! (Catheter + one-year old= NO FUN!) Luckily she did great with it and went pee within like 10 minutes so it wasn't in too long. The test for a UTI also came back negative so she assumed that she must just have an upper respiratory infection (which explains the cough for 3 straight months now) and gave her a pretty potent antibiotic to kill off just about anything that could be causing an infection! Well of course, it did not stop the fever like I thought those darn things should do, and she was on rounds of Motrin and Tylenol ALL WEEKEND and finally slept through the night last night and woke this morning with no fever- HALLELUJAH!!! (Which also translated into mom and dad being able to SLEEP instead of worry about her fever!) But this morning she was great just seemed a little tired which is expected since she hasn't been sleeping well for FOUR STRAIGHT NIGHTS! But all is well at the Meadows house now! This weekend we also enjoyed watching some great college football and just being pretty big couch potatoes! (Berkley is very clingy to her mom when she is sick which also translated into me doing NOTHING this weekend except a few loads of laundry last night when her fever finally broke!) But all in all it has been very eventful these last few nights and days and hopefully tonight will be very laid back; SEASON PREMIERES START TONIGHT!!! WOO HOO!!! I also have a doctor's appointment on Thursday when I will be 16 weeks and I am looking forward to hearing the little one's heartbeat! HOpefully we will be able to schedule an ultrasound to find out the sex for next month!! Oh and I nearly forgot the most important news of all; Berk learned how to "Get Your Guns Up" this weekend and the whole time during the Tech game we would tell her to "Get Your Guns Up" and she would gladly oblige! Aww a future Red Raider-nothing melts my heart more! Oh and one more thing, she now has 8 teeth; 4 on bottom and 4 on top! Well I guess that is about it! Here is a good dose of Berk pictures to tide you over!
9/19/09..."Hey Berk get your guns up!"
9/19/09...RAIDER POWER!!
9/19/09...Her favorite thing to do, eat!
9/19/09...Tech football attire part I....
9/19/09...and no outfit would be complete without the matching shoes (appropriately modeled of course!)
9/20/09...Just a ham!
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