So yesterday while Berk was at daycare (Gran's), she had on her little squeaky shoes, tripped and proceeded to find the edge of one of the wood toys in the play room. Well thankfully she did not hit her teeth which is my primary concern now days and came away bumped and bruised! She has her one-year pictures on Saturday along with her birthday party, so hopefully the badness will have worn off by then! Here is your photo fix for the day; sorry it is of a bruised up baby!

8/31/09...The battle wound!

8/31/09...I think she looks like a heavyweight boxer in this pictures; one who just got the fire knocked out of them and is a little hacked off!
8/31/09...A semi-smile! This one actually looks like the swelling went down from the other two...Oh if you ever get a bruise or something similar to Berk, try Bruise Relief from CVS! This morning her eye was NOT swollen, no more bruised and look exactly the same! Miracle cure!

8/31/09...And I just love this picture! The angle fits her perfectly!
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