Well, yesterday Jack was two weeks old! We went to the doctor for his 2-week well visit and he weighs 7 lbs. 14 oz. (10 oz more than he did just 10 days ago!) and is 21 inches long (2 inches longer than his birth length!) He is in the 50th percentile for his weight and 85th percentile for his height, leading us to think that we might have another tall one on our hands! I can already tell that he has grown because he doesn't fit just perfectly in between that nook of my shoulder and chest anymore! :( He is sleeping much better, waking up around 2ish and then again when Thad gets ready for work around 5ish. So, overall I am sleeping and so is he, so we are pretty happy most of the time! He is still having spit up issues and some pooping problems, but Dr. Landry said she isn't concerned about it because he is absorbing all of the calories and his weight looks wonderful! She did check to make sure there was no obstruction as far as the pooping problem, and thankfully there was not! He is such a good baby and really only fusses when he needs something so we are very thankful for that! He has also starting focusing a lot more on things instead of that "blank stare." It's so nice to know that he "sees" you and we can't wait until he starts recognizing us!
Berkley Tate has been busy being a big sister and she is at least entertaining the idea of loving "bug!" She really does a great job with him and when he is napping she wants to "see bug" and will climb on the table and lay beside him. It really is cute but she is still getting the hang of "being easy" and sometimes forgets. But I know that she is still a baby herself and I have to keep reminding myself that time is our best friend in this case! Thankfully, she has not regressed any as far as her language or wanting a bottle or any other weird things I have heard from parents, so that is definitely another blessing! The most she has changed is her attitude and I know that comes with the territory at this point! But overall she is just the same happy-go-lucky girl with a sweet personality and wonderful demeanor! I hope that Jack grows up to be as well-spoken and well-behaved (on most accounts) as his big sis! Anyway that is enough with the rambling! It is naptime and I need to shower and then finish boxing up clothes! (Yes, maternity clothes are going in a box and in Thad's words "need to be burned!" But that is another topic in itself that I won't get into right now!) Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!