Well time is already flying by! I can't believe that Jack was a week old yesterday! It seems so surreal to me that we have already been blessed to have this perfect baby in our lives for a week! The week has flown by and things are starting to find some semblance of a new normal! It is definitely more challenging being at home all day with the two of them, especially when the one is starting to find her attitude, but overall, I wouldn't change it for the world! Jack is already changing before our eyes and it amazes me! I wake up everyday and it seems like I am looking at a new baby! He started cooing today which is so cute and he makes the cutest little faces all the time! Overall, he is a very content baby and he will sit and "watch" his sis for hours on end! He has had some tummy issues but thankfully we have a full supply of Mylicon drops! Last night to celebrate his week-old birthday, he only woke up once during the night and was awake a large majority of the day! It was so nice to get more than an hour and a half to two hours of sleep in a row! But overall, things are wonderful in our household and we are looking forward to having Thad home this weekend! Unfortunately the weather is going to be horrible once again, but I don't think either of us will mind having to hunker down with our two little darlings! Oh and the cutest thing is that Jack already has a nickname, Bug. I got to calling him that because he reminds me of a big-eyed bug and when Berk caught wind, she started on too! It is the the cutest thing when she calls him "my bug!" Anyway that is about all that is going on around here. I will continue to post pictures as they come! Hope you have time to sit around and gaze at our baby!
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