Well, we have been adjusting to our new "normal" with Mr. Jack Brannon Meadows. I woke up Wednesday morning not feeling well and I decided to call Labor and Delivery and they told me to come in and just make sure I brought my bags because I might be staying. By the time we got there and went to Labor and Delivery Triage, they told me to go ahead and get admitted because Dr. Phillips said it wouldn't take much to admit me! (She must have sensed that I was NOT taking NO for an answer about leaving without a baby!) So, we went and got a drink while they cleaned a room for us and started calling to let everyone know that it was a "go" and we would be in it for the long haul this time. After getting admitted and answering a million questions and getting my IV started (after failing one time, from which I STILL have a bruise!), they finally got the Pitocin started at 4 PM. (I was only dilated to a 3 when they admitted me and he was still high) But we got the Pitocin started and started going up on it steadily. Jack did wonderfully throughout my entire labor and I must say that labor this time was much more tolerable and I wasn't as miserable! The only miserable parts were A) my catheter blew and it spewed blood EVERYWHERE and my blood pressure dropped to 88/50 because of this and B) the anesthesiologist was a complete butthead and jabbed me FOUR TIMES and then got a blood vessel on the first time and had to start over! (Yea, Thad was a little hot by the time that guy left!) Besides those few things everything was peachy this time and I didn't even mind that it took 14 1/2 hours and a Pitocin level of 21 to get Jack here! They broke my water at 4:50 AM and Jack finally dropped into my pelvis. At 5:20 I was dilated to a 9 and 100% effaced and by 6:32 AM Jack was born with the cord wrapped around his neck TWO TIMES. (Yes, I was a bit paranoid but now realize that this is probably the reason why he never dropped, thank God!) His stats at birth were he weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and was 19 inches long and scored an 8 on his APGAR test. He was and still is absolutely PERFECT and has completed our family! I took him yesterday to the doc for a weight check and he weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. and looks great. This morning his umbilical cord fell off so he is looking more "normal" by the day! My parents came out for his birth and most of Thad's family was there and my sister and Jayden came out Friday after we got home! We had a great weekend with Jayden and Berkley playing and everyone just loving on Jack. It's so amazing the love a newborn can bring out in people! He is so perfect and his big sister is starting to be such a wonderful big sister. I have to admit that on Friday when we got home and she wouldn't even look at me, I was DEVASTATED! Talk about the post-partum hormones coming on full speed, they were there! It killed me that she wouldn't come to me and threw a total fit when I even got close. Thankfully she is doing much better and we are adjusting. BUt overall, things are getting into a routine and we are just enjoying the little things because we know they will soon be gone! Thank you for your love, prayers and support throughout this pregnancy and your encouragement as we start this new journey! Enjoy the boatload of pictures and I am sure there will be more to come!
3/10/10...Berk wondering why I am in a bed and can't get out!
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