Friday, September 24, 2010

A Little of This and That

Well this has officially been one of the worst weeks of my life! (If this is as bad as it gets then I will take that!) I found out on Tuesday that I had strep (of all things) and it pretty much immobilized me for three days! I have never felt the pain I felt from Tuesday; well really Monday night, through yesterday morning! Thank goodness neither kid nor Thad has it at the moment and hopefully it will stay that way! Last weekend we went to Ruidoso for our little getaway that we usually do during the summer, but never got a chance this year with all of the stuff that everyone had going on! I think I will vote to go back the same time next year, because the weather was AMAZING! We did a lot of hanging out which was nice and also did some shopping! It was just the little getaway we all needed; I don't think I would have come back if I would have known what was waiting for me Tuesday!
Yesterday we went to the kids' check-ups (Jack 6 months and Berk 2 year) and let me tell you, it is something I will NOT do ever again! She is at the stage where she is TESTY and she tested yesterday and nearly got herself embarassed!
Berk's two year stats are:
37 inches tall (which they double and she will supposedly be 6'1"!)-100th percentile
32.8 lbs.-85th percentile
The doctor was really impressed with the fact that Berk is potty trained and how well-spoken she is (once she gets to know you anyway!) I had also told her that she wasn't going to get a shot, but she wound up having to get the flu shot! OOPS!
Jack's 6 month stats are:
28 1/4 inches long-95th percentile
19 lbs. 14 oz.- 85th percentile
She said that he is teething on TOP AND BOTTOM and she was impressed that he could sit by himself and roll over to a sitting position if he is laying down (which he does a LOT lately!) He is eating great and can eat any 1st or 2nd foods and loves them all, but isn't too fond of the meats. He will eat a full fruit and vegetable at one sitting and then scream at you to give him more! He is still eating three, 8 oz. bottles a day, in addition to eating breakfast, lunch and dinner! He is wearing SOME 3-6 month stuff but mainly 6-9 or 6-12 month stuff and a lot of his winter stuff I ordered is in 12-18 months! He is a BIG BOY! He loves his sister so much and they are the best of friends! I can't wait to see how it turns out in the future!
I think that's about all! I am going to post more pictures of our Ruidoso trip because there are some cute ones of the two of them! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
9/16/10....Going to the "mountanins!"

9/16/10...Not phased AT ALL!
9/17/10...A visitor Friday morning that we thought was a statue!
9/18/10...So happy!
9/18/10...Happy when fruit snacks are involved!

9/18/10....I wouldn't mind him being on our wall!

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