Weight: 17 lbs. (75th percentile)
Height: 27" (90th percentile)
Head: 17.4" (95th percentile)
The doc was very pleased with her progress and very happy about her balance when she sits up; yes, I said SITS UP!! I don't mean with assistance either, I mean BY HERSELF! I couldn't believe it when Friday I sat her on the table (with me close by) and just let her sit there and she could do it all by herself! It was awesome and I think she finally just got tired of leaning over her big fat belly! She didn't take her 3 shots so well this time and was not interested in rolling over last night when we would lay her on her back. (In fact I think she thought we were going to give her more shots when we would lay her down, poor thing!) This morning she woke up and was still in quite a bit of pain, but hopefully the Tylenol will work its magic! We also got to start her on 2nd foods yesterday, such as the mixed fruits and the meats with vegetables! Last night she had turkey and rice dinner with apples and plums for dessert! Needless to say, she loved the new stuff! Oh yeah, she also had her first "poo in the bathtub" moment on Friday night! I am not going to post a lot in this one because not much has been going on! I can't wait until Friday (the start of Spring Break) and our trek down to Houston! We HOPEFULLY will be moving into the house at the end of Spring Break so keep your fingers crossed! Well that is all for now and hope everyone is having a great week!
3/4/09...Getting ready for bed and I wanted a picture of her before she hit the big 6 month mark!
3/5/09...Happy 6 month birthday!! (Or half birthday as we like to say!) She was so interested in dad's hat so we just had to put it on her! Thank goodness she is wearing pink or she might be mistaken for a boy!
3/6/09...After Uncle "Francis'" track meet! They did a great job and wound up coming in 3rd as a team!
3/6/09..."Hey mom, I don't need your help!" Berk's first moments of sitting up by herself! Such a big girl!!
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