9/9/08...After we went to the doctor for a weight check! She had already passed her birth weight when we went! 5 lbs. 9 oz. in this picture; look at her SKINNY arms and legs!10/19/08...Our 2nd family picture. Berkley is 6 WEEKS old, the day before I went back to work! We took Meadows family pictures. This picture is from C.Gage Photography out of Lubbock.
10/10/08...After one of the football games; congratulating the boys on their win!
12/14/08...Dallas Cowboys vs. New York Giants! Berkley was not phased by the noise at all, she slept the ENTIRE time!
1/10/09...After her first stock show with our favorite stock shower!! He is no longer the baby in the family!
3/3/09...She is such a happy baby and is very content in her day to day activities! I could not have asked for a sweeter or calmer first baby!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Berkley Tate is 6 Months Old!
Well she is OFFICIALLY 6 months old as of 12:45 AM, today, March 5, 2009! To continue my story: about 11:00 PM or so the night I was induced we told everyone to settle in because the doc said it would probably be early the next morning when Berk made her debut! The nurse was supposed to come in at midnight to do my check but she never showed up, but had told me to call if I felt pressure. Well, for any of you who have had a baby with an epidural, you are NUMB from the waist down and I mean NUMB! I couldn't feel ANYTHING but she swore that I would feel this pressure! Well after she didn't check me at midnight I told Thad that I was going to go ahead and press the button and tell her I was feeling pressure just to get her to come and check me! Well, to my surprise, I was feeling pressure (just couldn't actually FEEL it) and Berkley was in position to make her long awaited debut! The nurse moved very quickly, transforming my lovely hospital bed into a birthing center! About the time that they are getting me into the "ready" position (those who have had a child know what this is, others who have NOT, use your imagination), my sister peeks around the corner and almost gets the moment from "Knocked Up." (The movie with Katherine Heigl!) So, she proceeds to go and tell everyone in the waiting room that we are on the home stretch and little did I know, they were all standing outside the room throughout the entire birthing process! Well once the doc got there, we started pushing and apparently I was a pretty good pusher! ("Why can't all of our patients push like this?!") After the second push, I looked over at the monitor and saw Berk's heart rate go WAY down and I mean WAY WAY WAY down. (When the thing turns red you know that it is not a good sign!) So we waited a couple of contractions and tried again and again her heart rate goes WAY down! About this time I am freaking out a little bit because I have seen too many "Baby Stories" on TLC and I know that that is not a good thing! The nurse did make the comment that her cord was probably just wrapped around her neck and that we needed to get her out! So I pushed one more time and that was the one. She came out screaming and hollering and all the usual stuff; they did have to suck some fluid out of her airway but nothing serious. As the doc is finishing everything up, she says, "Well there is the problem, there is a TRUE KNOT in her cord! (A rather skinny cord at that) Good thing we delivered her today otherwise it might have been bad news!" That is not exactly the words you want to hear come out of your doc's mouth but at least she was healthy and God had intervened and led us to go ahead and bring her into this world! So, that is the story of how she came to be! After she got all cleaned up and everything and tried to nurse a bit, they finished assessing her and all the family got to come in and meet her! It was a pretty cool experience and you would never have known that it was like 2 o'clock in the morning! I did get to FINALLY eat something at about 2 when my dad when to Whataburger! Now, I don't think I have ever felt more love for my husband than I did those moments when I was bringing our daughter into this world! He was right there the whole time, watched his daughter being born and cut the cord! (The watching thing we had agreed he wouldn't do, but he said it was something he couldn't help! "It was just right there!") And talk about bringing a grown man to tears; one of the few times I have seen my husband cry was when they gave Berk her first shots! It was so sweet and yet hilarious to me! (Since then he has not gone to ANY doctor's appointment when she has had to get shots!) But that is our story; this morning when I woke up at 5 AM, I remembered that at that time 6 months ago we were being wheeled into our recovery room where we finally got to nap a little bit! Well I am posting a few more pictures from that day and also some of the things she has done in her 6 months of life! Hope you enjoyed our story!
3/4/09...This is her newest thing! After she is done eating she will roll over in her chair and then scoot her butt out and last night she figured out that the floor wasn't far from her!

9/5/08...Right after she was born, getting cleaned up! She was obviously NOT HAPPY about coming into this world! (Right then anyways!)
9/5/08...Close up of our sweet baby girl!

**So I need to do a comparison photo opportunity! I have pictures of Thad and Berk in the exact same position but a few things have changed from one picture to the other as you will see!
9/9/08 & 2/25/09
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