Well this time (10 AM) 6 months ago, Thad and I were on our way to go to our weekly doctor's appointment! We made sure that we had all of our stuff JUST IN CASE we were admitted, but things weren't looking up since I hadn't felt contractions or anything else! The only thing I knew was different was that my feet were huge and I just wanted to get off of them! Well when we made it to the doctor's office, we waited our usual wait and then went back. When the nurse came in and saw us they did the usual stuff; blood pressure, heart rate, are you feeling any contractions?! Well my blood pressure was way elevated ("Were you in a hurry to get here?" asked the nurse, "No, but it is the 2nd week of school," I answered), so they told me to lay on my side and they would come back and take it again in a few minutes. Well then the doctor comes in and takes it again and it is still elevated. So we started discussing the options and she said that at that point there was nothing else to do except deliver because it was so close to my due date (9-6-08, two days away) and it could be the onset of preeclampsia or toxemia; neither of which are good news! So I generously ask (with my best "sad puppy eyes") if we could go and get something to eat (I was CRAVING Jason's Deli) because I hadn't eaten since 6:45 that morning; of course the answer was an adamant NO! So, we leave the doctor's office, start calling friends and family and then head to Babies R Us to buy a breastpump. So we go about calling the rest of the people, cancelling my hair appointment and then making our way up to the hospital. We got settled in a little before noon and they started taking blood to test for preeclampsia and toxemia as soon as we arrived. (Both tests came back negative, thank goodness!) I got into my lovely hospital gown and got settled with the band around my waist and hooked up the IV when visitors started arriving. (David first, then Nicole, then my sister arrived!) They started the Pitocin at 1:30 PM and basically told us we were in for a long night with this being my first baby! So we settled in, watched the first pro football game of the season, greeted visitors and were on our way! (Everyone else arrived around 5 or 6ish) They broke my water when I was a "4" and told me that things would pick up from there and sure enough they did, so I called for the "good stuff" and got my epidural as fast as I could! Things were going great except that I could still feel the contractions (MUCH stronger at this point) on my left side so we kept pushing that darned old button to give more drugs, but it didn't work so the doc had to be called again to come and check it out! Well sure enough the catheter was bent and it didn't take on that side so I had to lay on my left side while they upped my dosage! (THANK GOODNESS!) Well after a little bit, Thad's fingers could rest and I was feeling much better! I tried to rest the best I could, we kicked everyone out of the room and just hung out! We let each family come in and visit for a little bit, but we were getting into the late night hours and knew everyone was getting pretty sleepy! Well that takes you up to the point of around 10:30 or 11:00 PM and I will finish the rest tomorrow, Berkley's 6 month birthday! Here are some pictures of me when I was pregnant; there are not many floating around and I have threatened those who have them to keep them under lock and key! I gained 52 pounds with Berk; though some say "You looked the same" I definitely did NOT feel the same and it showed on my fat face! I guess being 5'9" has its perks but I knew that everytime I stepped on the scales it was going to read very close to 200 lbs! Well hope you enjoy and look for the post tomorrow to let you know "The rest of the story." (In memory of Paul Harvey, may her rest in peace!)

6/26/08...This was in Luling, TX on a vacation we took with Thad's boss and his family! Dead of the summer, pregnant as can be and in South Texas; not a fun combination!
8/3/08...Baby shower in Lamesa with both of my mothers. You really can't grasp the full effect of the 52 pounds, but it was there! Look at the fat face; that says it all!
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