Well not really but as of last Friday, I am officially a STAY AT HOME MOM for the next 3 months! Today was my first day on the job and I must say I was more productive than I have been while having my other job; I got the floors swept and Swiffered, the windows cleaned and laundry is in the process. I also had to go to the eye doctor for a follow up so Berk got to spend some time with Gran. Berkley has been "sick" since about Friday with a runny nose, coughing and restlessness when she sleeps since that darn other top tooth has yet to show its face! I am getting really angry with that thing since it is making my girl not a happy camper! Luckily she has not run fever and the nurse said that it is most likely just teething, but man it sucks! She goes in a week from tomorrow for her NINE MONTH check up; with this one there are no shots so that will be nice! (She will be nine months on Friday!)
This last Friday was my official last day at school where we had a work day and got our rooms squared away for the summer. I must say, in general, a lot more gets accomplished when the kids aren't there! We also had graduation Friday night where Rance, my brother-in-law was the last in the Meadows clan to graduate high school. (That is until the grandkids come around!) We enjoyed watching Rance complete his journey and have been so happy to be a part of it! (I must say I will miss him pestering me at school!) We also had a get together Saturday for Rance and some friends came down and we all had a great time playing washers, basketball and just sitting around enjoying each other's company! So, here are some pictures from graduation and the get together! Hope you enjoy! I am also updating the pictures on the picture site for the months of April and May! Have a great week, I know I will!
5/29/09...Before we got to the school; can you tell what her mood was going to be?
5/29/09....Needing a bottle before we even got started! (Take into account that the ceremony didn't START until 8 PM which is her normal bedtime!)
5/29/09...The graduate!
5/29/09...The graduate with his #1 FAN!
5/29/09...Shakin' her booty in the gym! (She was not in the best mood the whole time, but when she got to get down and go, she was much happier!)
5/29/09...The Meadows Clan after the graduation!
5/30/09...Showing off for everyone!
5/30/09...Being a big girl!
5/30/09...Wanting to get to the camera!
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