Some people might wander how in the world a full-time working mom is adjusting to staying at home ALL DAY with her 9-month old (tomorrow) daughter?! Well let me tell you that it is has been the easiest transition I have ever made and we have BIG PLANS under our belts! Some of those plans include a little bit of this...
A pool just big enough for Miss Berkley!
Hopefully no more of this runny nose business!
So we can wear this cute lil' number...
"But mom, I think dad would like this one better!"
Or this lil' number and get to playing in our pool and get a little color to our pale bodies!
So far this week we have done just a bunch of cuddling and hanging out by ourselves! (Which we don't mind!) I forget how much you miss those things when you don't get to do them so often! We have been taking walks every morning before it gets too hot and just playing around the house nursing her runny nose business! It has definitely decreased the last two days but that darn tooth still hasn't shown up! Luckily we had some medicine that they gave us last time around that Berk has been taking and it seems to have really helped this time! When I blew up her pool yesterday she was so antsy to just start playing in it! (It is sitting in our living room sans the water!) We will see if she is up to the same challenge once the water gets in it! She loved putting on her swimsuits and she just modeled them quite perfectly as you can see above! Well she is napping so this is my time to internet surf and blog! So hope you enjoy the pictures and hopefully I will be able to get some of her in the water this weekend and definitely by next week! We are garage saling this Saturday so we can hopefully get a bunch of junk out of the garage and then a busy week planned for next week; off to my parents on Tuesday then to the farm on Thursday! I can't wait for Berk to get to experience the farm!! Well hope you enjoy the pictures and hopefully there will plenty of water shots to come! Have a great rest of the week!
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