Monday, March 31, 2008

Losing Track of Time

Well I really need to do a better job of keeping up with this thing! I can't believe how time is flying by; we only have 9 more weeks of school left!! Things with the pregnancy are going great; I haven't been sick (unless my hubby can't decide on what to eat until 9:30 at night) and I think I have felt the baby move?! I keep trying to tell myself that but everyone says that it is so similar to a "gassy" feeling that it's really hard to distinguish. But what I do know is that it only happens when I am laying flat and usually quiet so hopefully those have been the fluttering feet of the "wee one" and not just gas. Last night was the first night that I have really been uncomfortable while trying to sleep. Since week 16 I have been trying to not sleep on my back because of the delayed amount of blood flow to the baby. So I have really been trying to sleep on my sides and on my stomach (which thankfully I still can), but last night the "wee one" was having nothing of it. Everytime I would turn to one side "it" would jab into that side and then when I'd turn it would do the same to the other side. "It" would never just lay right in the middle even when I was laying on my stomach!! GUH!! I figure that is just a sign that either a) "it's" going to be a boxer or b) it will be stubborn like its dad!! (I am going with option B!) So on top of me not being able to sleep well because of the "wee one," we also have a visitor at the house who happens to weigh about 150 lbs. and lives outside. Well this visitor and our other dogs do not get along so well and luckily we have a partitioned part of the yardthat we can put him in, but all night it would worry me when our dogs started barking that "THIS IS OUR YARD" bark because only a fence seperates the three. And well I think we can all imagine what a 150 lb. dog can do to a wooden fence if it got pissed off enough! So hopefully by the time I get home today they will all have settled down and gotten used to each other's scents and I won't have to worry about them getting together and the visitor killing the actual owners of the backyard! So in spite of everything, it is a typical Monday but the weekend looks bright because we are going to NASCAR in Dallas! I know that I won't enjoy the whole NASCAR experience as much as usual because of me being pregnant, but we did just buy a new camcorder so I can at least capture the stupidity of all of the friends around me!! AND, we don't have to come back until Monday since none of us are working so we will get to at least have a good night's rest instead of arriving home at 3 AM and then getting back into the grind on only 4 hours of sleep! (I did it in November and I refuse to do it again now that I am pregnant!) But anyway that is about the extent of how much fun we are having around our house! Although hubby is pretty excited that I have started cooking again and not just moping around thinking I am going to die! We are also excited because you can SOMEWHAT tell that I am beginning to pooch but not really so we are hoping that that will take effect sometime soon! I will keep all posted! Diana

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Back to Blogging

Well it has been over a week since I last blogged so I figure I better get back into it. Nothing exciting has really been happening. Everything seems to be moving along smoothly with the baby (especially now that the sickness has diminished) and Spring Break is on the horizon!!! This will be the first Spring Break in FIVE years where I will actually get to enjoy it instead of having to work! (The joys of being away for college!) We don't have any wonderful plans for the week except go to the doctor on Tuesday for a check up. This past weekend I went home for one of best friend's baby shower and everyone was like, "When are you going to start getting fat?!" I don't know what to tell people anymore except smile and say, "Hopefully soon, hopefully soon!" I don't think you will ever hear a sane woman tell someone that they hope they will get fat soon! But I am just tired of not looking but definitely feeling pregnant. But I have had to start using the rubber band on my pants (that's a sign of fattening up) and I can tell that I have a pudge! I haven't gotten on the scale lately because I have been so tired of feeling like I was gaining weight and the scale never reflecting it! I will be 3 1/2 months pregnant on Saturday and am actually beginning to somewhat enjoy it. We (me and Thad if he gets off work in time) are going down to San Angelo again this weekend to watch my sister play softball. It is such a good release for me to relive my college days and spend some quality time with the family. Thad cleaned the garage this weekend (YAY) and we are going to start moving around furniture on Sunday for the baby's room! That is when I think it is going to really hit me that we have a baby coming pretty soon is when we start getting everything together for the room! Well I guess that's enough rambling for right now! Have a wonderful week! Diana

Monday, March 3, 2008

Let the Good Times Roll

Well, I am on day three of not being sick!! (And my fingers have remained crossed!) It was a very nice weekend especially since I didn't have to spend it stooped over a toilet throwing up! Saturday I went down and watched my sister play softball at Angelo State (and got a little sun in the process) but she said, "Look I can see a little pudge!" So hopefully the sickness has decided to go ahead and move along and I will actually start putting on a few REAL pounds. I haven't seen any change in the scales, but I can tell in my upper portions and I have put on a little bit. I tried to go shopping for maternity clothes last week while I was in town, but it is just really hard to get in the mood of buying clothes to wear when you are fat when right now, you aren't! But luckily for my husband, we did go grocery shopping last night and I was feeling good enough to attempt cooking a decent meal instead of picking up take out. So, I managed to cook pork chops, rice-a-roni and corn and actually managed to keep down the whole meal!! YAY!!! But that is about all right now, nothing too exciting. We go to the doctor on the 20th but nothing wonderful supposed to happen then either! Well, chat later-Diana