Monday, July 20, 2009

"Hey Now You're An All-Star"

So that was the song we were singing (not really) on Friday night when my brother-in-law played in the Texas 6-Man All-Star Football Game! It was so great to get to watch him play one more time and he topped it off by catching the game's first touchdown!! And to add to it, the West (his team) won with a score of 25-22! It was great to get all of the Meadows brood together for one last high school hoorah (until Berk gets up there) and for Berk to actually be AWAKE through a football game! (She slept through all of the ones during the season!) She wasn't a big fan of all the cheering and when we all jumped up and starting hooping and hollaring when Rance caught his touchdown she let us know that that was not acceptable! But everything is going great around here; she is walking EVERYWHERE and it is like she doesn't even care about that crawling business anymore. She is definitely starting to "talk" more and catches onto a lot of things that we say! She knows what we are talking about when we ask her to go and get something (like her moo cow) and she is just too smart for her own good sometimes! She is also mimicking so much these days which you will see in the video! We think she is getting more teeth so she has been a little cranky but her wonderful personality makes up for all of her crankiness! Here are a few pictures from the game and that video showcasing her wonderful personality and mimicking skills! Hope you enjoy!


7/14/09...Her and Webster playing peek-a-boo!
7/17/09...Before we went to the game (the onesie I am trying my artsy hand at making!!)

7/17/09...Her latest thing!

7/17/09...Uncle Rance the All-Star!

7/17/09...Getting some snackies during the game!

7/17/09...This was after the game and we went to eat at Rosa's at about 11 PM.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Days of Our Lives

Have you ever noticed that even if you haven't watched a soap opera in like YEARS that when you start "watching" it again it still hasn't changed?! Since I've been home with Berk I notice myself sometimes catching "Days of Our Lives" and can't help but say "Hey, this is the same it was way back when!" But that is besides the point! The real meaning of the title of this post was to post a video of how the days of our lives have been going lately!

This is basically what Berkley is doing ALL THE TIME now! As you can see in the video, when she falls she just pops right back up with such ease! She cracked us up last night because she just took off and I swear it was like she was going to start running! I know it won't be long and she will be running everywhere! But anyway that is just a quick video of how life around the Meadows house is lately! Hope you enjoyed and hope you are having a great week!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

She's a Water Baby

Well yesterday we did indeed get out the pool and take a "swim" and today the thought crossed my mind again but laziness overcame me! Today, Berkley has decided that she wants to WALK everywhere! This is like an overnight sensation! She did this with crawling too and today she has hardly been crawling, but instead standing up and just trucking along! It makes me so sad that she is growing up so fast but so excited for the things to come! (She will be a year old on September 5th; less than TWO MONTHS!) But anyway I just thought I would post a few pictures of yesterday! Hope you enjoy!


7/8/09...Just splashing around!

7/8/09...I really love this picture except for the booger that snuck out!

7/8/09...Just giving one of those looks!

7/8/09...She tried catching the water that she poured out of the bowl and seemed quite perplexed that it kept going through her her fingers!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday

Well our week has been pretty uneventful and today was the first day that Thad went back to work! We had a great time have dad at home for these few days and I think he accomplished most of what he wanted to! Berk and I are just relaxing, taking it easy and we might even go swimming later this afternoon! It is supposed to be over 100 degrees for the next few days so I am sure the pool might get some much needed attention! Like I said it has been a pretty dull week just trying to recover from our vacation. Berk is walking a lot more now and will walk between 10 to 15 steps when she really wants to! But anyway I just thought I would post a picture of Berk in one of her outfits from Canton! Hope you enjoy!


7/7/09...At Sonic with mom...She is very stylish in her zebra print! There is a "peace" sign on the front with rhinestones!

7/7/09...Showing off her pearly whites! Yes, that is a bruise under her eye; she hit the corner of one of the end tables. And yes, that is a bruise on her forehead also; she fell and hit the fireplace! I swear this girl is more clumsy by the day but I suppose it happens to the best of 'em!

Monday, July 6, 2009

West Texas Meets East Texas

This last week we went to Canton, TX for their First Monday Trade Days. And let me tell you, it was an experience that I will not soon forget; it was HOTT (yes, I meant to put 2 T's because that is how it was), HUMID and there was way too much to see in one day! We went on Thursday (a 6 hour drive that took about 8 for us) and we left yesterday. While we were there we did partake in the First Monday shopping (which was so crazy) on Friday and then on Saturday we went to the Texas Freshwater Fishery in Athens, TX (where our hotel was). I have NEVER seen so many huge fish and we even did a little fishing while we were there; the kind I like where you just throw your hook in and either get a bite or a fish! (It was a stocked tank!) Unfortunately, the more bites or fish there were meant that you had to bait your hook more; and not like worms or minnows, it was STINK BAIT, and if you have never smelt stink bait before, it is like a combination of dog food and some kind of feces. (Needless to say, after washing our hands MULTIPLE times, we could not escape the putrid smell!) It was great time and we got to go back and nap before we went and enjoyed a wonderful fireworks show that evening! Berkley's schedule was really messed up with all the activities and there was one night that she didn't fall asleep until around midnight; I wonder where these little ones get all their darn energy?! But it was a great time and I got a few things for around the house (which was my real mission) but mostly I found some really cute outfits for Berk! But anyway, without further ado, here are the pictures that I'm sure you have been wanting for over a week now! Oh yea, her other top tooth finally came through and she looks so darn cute with those four little teethers! Hope you enjoy!


7/2/09...Heading down the road-we left at 10:15 AM and got there around 6ish.
7/2/09...Since we were there before everyone, we decided to test the waters of the hotel's pool-Berk ready for the swim!
7/2/09...Me and Berk swimming! She LOVED the water!

7/2/09...She tried getting out of my arms every chance she could!

7/3/09...The beginning of our long shopping day in Canton!

7/3/09...Berk throughout the day! If you notice she started in an outfit and then progressively we took off those pieces of clothing! The heat was UNBELIEVABLE (105 with a heat index of 110!) and so she wound up naked with a cool neck thing and of course she had to eat along the way! She was so well-behaved and she even got in a really good nap! This was the night where she stayed up until midnight; what sense does that make?!

7/4/09...Texas Freshwater Fisheries-those are the catfish I was talking about! Absolutely HUGE! She napped at the Fishery also and then by the time we were fishing she was pretty agitated because it was lunchtime which is the picture of her sitting up in her seat with "that look" on her face! (The other fish is a large-mouth bass and the others are trophy fish from the throughout the state!)
7/4/09...Thad caught the first fish of the day! (As you can see, they weren't trophy fish but it was fun none the less!)

7/4/09...The fireworks spectacular! It was such a great way to end the day and as you can Berk was POOPED! Her shirt says "Daddy's Little Firecracker" which is so fitting! I love the picture of her and Thad looking at the fireworks!!