Friday, April 30, 2010

6 & 7 Weeks and First Week Back at Work

Jack turned 7 weeks old yesterday! I can't believe that in less than two weeks he will be TWO MONTHS old! To celebrate his 7 week "birthday" he slept through the night from about 9:15 PM to 6:15 AM! I couldn't believe it when I heard Thad's alarm clock going off and hadn't been woken up all night! He is typically still waking up around 2 AM or 3 AM and then at about 6:15 AM which works out perfectly for me! I typically get up around 5:30 AM (GASP!) and so by the time he wakes up at 6:15 AM I am usually about ready and can nurse him and then finish getting ready. (I also eat breakfast in there and get my lunch ready for school!) For those who know me well, they are probably falling off the edge of their seats reading that I get up that early and am not complaining too much about it! After I nurse Jack and then get him ready, I typically have about 15-20 minutes to finish getting ready or just hang out with him. I don't wake Berk up until 7 AM and then we are typically out the door by 7:15 AM! It has worked out great this week so hopefully we can finish up the school year without too many bad mornings! Jack is doing great; he is really starting to have a personality and let me tell you, it is a demanding one! He loves being held and typically DOES NOT like to be put down and will let you know about it! We have had a hard time adjusting because Berk was SO different from that; we are quickly realizing just how different they are, which is a great thing but we also know that we were spoiled ROTTEN with Berk! Jack has also started eating some formula just to help me keep up with him. The kid can DOWN a 4 oz. bottle in a matter of seconds it seems like so we are having to supplement. I think this is helping with the sleeping since he gets nursed and then a 2 oz. bottle before bed! Overall, we are still finding our little niche but it is working out really well! Berkley absolutely loves her "bug" and I can't believe how great of a big sister she has become! And the girl is growing up so fast! She is like our little voice recorder and it getting so good with her speech and letting us know what she wants! She is starting to put sentences together and her vocabulary is MASSIVE! The girl can also pick out letters and match pictures to the letters they begin with! She amazes me daily!
I started work this week and I was welcoming the change in pace! The week has gone somewhat smooth and it's nice to think that there are only 4 more Mondays until I get to be at home with the two stinkers for the summer! I am so thankful for a job that allows me the time to be home with them! I think that is about it! I'm pretty sure there are some things that have probably happened that I should post but I can't remember them now! Here are some pictures to tide you over and I will hopefully post some more this weekend! Hope everyone has a great weekend!


4/20/10...She really dose love him!
4/20/10...And he really loves her!

4/21/10...She thinks everyone should love their paci like she loves hers!
4/21/10...Blue-eyed girl!
4/22/10...6 weeks old!

4/29/10...7 weeks old!

4/29/10...Sweet smile

4/29/10...I told you he was big!

4/29/10...Sweet girl!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Five Weeks and Trip to Nana and Papa's

Well this past weekend we made the trek to Burkburnett to see Nana and Papa and have a "Meet and Greet" for Jack. It is always nice to make it home and get to see everyone and spend time with the family! We loved getting to spend so much time with Jayden and Rachel! :) Jack didn't mind the drive too much and was actually pretty docile! We are hoping that he is turning hte corner on his moodiness! He was such a great baby this weekend and everyone thought we were blowing smoke up their rears about how fussy he can be! But I guess it is good that he made a great first impression! While we were there it rained the whole time which was NO FUN, but my dad got hte wonderful idea to go to Chuck E Cheese Saturday night after hte shower. Berk enjoyed leading her Papa around and seeing all the cool things to do! We left Sunday and today it has been laundry, unpacking and getting hte house somewhat in order! Both of the kids are at Gran's today and will probably go most of the week to get Berk back in the groove of going and staying and not getting mad at mom when I leave! I will post again later this week with Jack's six week pictures (can you believe it?!) I will go back to work on Monday and am kind of looking forward to it because I know that summer is right around the corner! Anyway hope you enjoy the pictures and check back later in the week!
4/15/10...Five weeks old! I love his fluffy cheeks!
4/15/10...He is starting to become a happy baby!
4/15/10...Big boy!
4/16/10...Silly Girl!
4/16/10...Jack's first trip to Nana and Papa's!
4/16/10...On the road - pacifier= IMPROVISATION!
4/17/10...Berkley feeding Jayden!
4/17/10...Berkley at the "Meet and Greet" for Jack!
4/17/10...Jayden riding the horse!
4/17/10...First trip to Chuck E. Cheese for the kiddos. Berk loved getting to play with Jayden all weekend and we loved having them around so much! Love ya' Rach and J!
4/17/10...Jack's idea of "fun" at Chuck E. Cheese!
4/17/10...Berkley riding the horse at Chuck E. Cheese!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Four Weeks, One Month and Berk Tate!

You have to excuse the pictures they are a little scattered! (just be thankful I found the energy to post!) Last week Thad was out of town from Tuesday through Sunday at the NASCAR race in Phoenix and I pulled the whole "single mom" duty and boy, it was a tough one! But we are so happy that Thad made it home safely and he has been playing catch up on his loving with the kiddos! Thankfully, Jill came out to stay with me and got here Thursday night and stayed until Saturday! Friday, Berk and Payten went to Jump N' Jungle in the mall and had a blast! They both were skeptical at first, but they soon caught on and had a blast on the jumpers and also just running around! I can't wait to take Berk to the big one and actually get to go on the stuff with her so that she isn't afraid (see picture below)! But overall it has just been busy, busy around here. Jack turned ONE MONTH old on Sunday and I can't believe how much he is changing everyday and how big he has gotten. I would guess that he probably weighs in the high 8 pounds or mid 9 pounds now, he is in newborn clothes but can wear some 0-3 month clothes and is wearing size 1 diapers! He is eating every 3 hours still and still waking once in the middle of the night and then again in the early morning. I know that it is going to be a challenge getting two kids ready when I go back to work (a week from this coming Monday), but hopefully I will figure something out! I go the doctor next Thursday for my 6-week follow up and I hope everything will be fine (I've had no indication that it shouldn't)! We are going to my parent's this weekend for a "Welcoming Shower" for Jack since a lot of our friends around there haven't yet met him! We are excited to get to see everyone and introduce them to Jack, but traveling with two kids will definitely be an adventure I am sure! Hopefully all will go smooth; as for the sleeping arrangements there, that might be a whole other story! But I guess that is it for about now! I don't know if I posted Berkley's 18-month stats, but we went to the doctor on March 30th and she is 34 inches tall (95th percentile) and weighed 29 lbs. (90th percentile) She also got her MMR shot (the one that has caused so much ruccus) and she was a real TROOPER! I've heard scary things about reactions that kids have and she didn't have any of them; no fever, no swelling, no soreness! Thank goodness! It is also crazy for us to think that at the age of two you are supposed to double their height and that is how tall they will be when they are full grown; well, if Berkley grows 2 inches by September (putting her at 36 inches), you double that and she will be SIX FOOT TALL when she is full grown! Can you say athletics here we come?! Anyway I think that is all that has been going on. I am sure I am forgetting something but if so, I will have to catch up another time; packing, laundry and lunch are calling my name! Have a wonderful weekend!

4/10/10...Cute boy! These sandals were Berk's!

4/10/10...Bathtime is NOT his favorite time (screaming came after this!)

4/9/10...At the top, not coming down!

4/9/10...Being such a big girl climbing to the top to go down the slides

4/9/10...Jack's idea of fun at Jump 'N Jungle!

4/9/10...Jump 'N Jungle!
4/13/10...I think she looks so cute in this hat!

4/11/10...Handsome man!

4/11/10...ONE MONTH OLD! And "totally handsome" like his shirt says!
4/8/10...Pouty face just like Berk!
4/8/10...Look at the rolls starting!
4/8/10...Lots of cuddle time with mom! (excuse the no make up shot!)
4/8/10...4 weeks old; check out his double chin!
4/8/10...4 weeks old! Berk Tate loves him to pieces!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well things are still just about as good as we could ask for around here! Jack was three weeks old last Thursday and it is CRAZY for me to think that he will be a MONTH old on Sunday! He is getting so chubby and is really starting to pay attention to things! Easter was wonderful this year; we have so much to be thankful for! Berkley is an expert egg hunter and she loved the whole thing! She also loved coloring the eggs (which you will see) and I think liked making a mess more than anything! Thad is in Phoenix until Sunday ( he left yesterday), so it has been a little more challenging around here and I am just trying my hardest to not get frustrated. Jack is still having some tummy issues but the Gripe Water has seemed to help a lot with that. He is still eating every 3 hours (he would eat more if I let him) and wakes up once during the night and then in the early morning. I think he has pretty much got that down so we will just stick with that for now! Berkley is really becoming such a big sister and anything I need for "bug" she is more than willing to do! SHe is also showing just how smart she really is: the other day she was Gran's and Gran asked her what color the flower on the island was and Berk said clearer than day "Orange." I swear the girl has such a great memory and is so smart! I am sure there are other things I should mention but I am trying to get this done fast in between laundry, trying to eat lunch and a fussy baby! Have a great rest of the week!
Jack's birth announcement!
4/1/10...Three weeks old! I love that he is looking right at Thad and Thad's hand is in the picture! He is definitely getting the rolls!

4/1/10...Three weeks old big boy!
4/1/10...I love this picture of the three of them!
4/3/10...Outside enjoying the nice weather
4/3/10...Aunt Sara made this! I thought it was too cute to not get a picture of it!
4/3/10....Getting ready to do some damage on some eggs!
4/3/10...The best egg colorer there is!
4/3/10...Ugliest Easter eggs EVER!!
4/4/10...Berk checking out her loot in her Easter get up!
4/4/10...Thad helping Berk out with her Elmo basket!
4/4/10...She did NOT want any help from Thad getting this egg!
4/4/10...Uncle Coco helping Berk! She kept pulling up her dress all day! I guess she found a way to get it to stay!
4/4/10....Our first family picture as a family of FOUR!
4/4/10...She loved this pinwheel!
4/4/10...Wanting to eat a Peep before bed; I DON'T THINK SO!
4/6/10...What a darling!