Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Four Month Stats and FOOD!

July is just about over and we have a had a great month! Jack went to the doctor on the 19th and he weighed 15 lb. 13 oz and was 26 inches long! (90th percentile) It is so hard to believe how big the "little" boy has gotten! What is even harder to believe is that he and Berk started out at the same length and he is a good inch and a half longer than she was at 4 months! Can you say BIG BOY?! It will interesting to see if he continues to outgrow Berk especially in length and to see what his stats are when he gets her age! He got to start food also and he really has done a wonderful job with them. He didn't care too much for the texture of the cereal at first so we have been adding juice so it is a little thinner. He started the "green" veggies on Friday and he loved the GREEN BEANS. He, in fact loved them SO much that he ate the entire thing, PLUS his cereal! He started green peas yesterday and surprisingly loves them too; Berk also loved sharing the peas! Just tonight he rolled from his back to his tummy and scooted clear across his blanket onto the floor! I know that it won't be long and he will be crawling, chasing Berk EVERYWHERE! (She started crawling at 7 months so it will be interesting to see where he goes in that respect too!) Berkley has been her normal self and is just going with the flow of everything. Thad and I went to San Antonio for our anniversary this past weekend and the kids stayed with Gran and Pops and she didn't miss us ONE BIT! When we would try to talk to her on the phone, she wanted nothing to do with us and would run away! I guess it is better than the alternative of her being so stuck to us that we can't get away. It was great to see her run out and give her dad a big hug when we pulled up; we had bought some M & Ms just in case we had to bribe her to come and see us! (If you remember (Jack's birth), she has a way of treating people like step-children if you have crossed her!) She picked up a couple of phrases while we were gone too ("Well, crap") but all in all she has been just wonderful. Sara said that the other day she got all of her things together (baby, purse, keys and phone) and Sara asked where she was going and she said "To a workshop!" She has heard me say that ONCE and she is already repeating it! I swear there is NOTHING that gets by this child! It is really hard to believe that in less than two months she will TWO YEARS old! Next weekend we get to celebrate the BIG ONE with Jayden and my family and I can't wait to be around everyone! We got Jayden's invitation in the mail the other day and Berk said "My Jayden, I love him!" It is the sweetest thing that even though we aren't together that much, she still has such a great memory of him! (Not to mention all the times since we got the invitation that she has reached up and taken it off the refrigerator and kissed it or said "Love him")
Tonight is a special night for me and Thad; we "celebrated" our three-year anniversary. (We actually did all the celebrating while we were in the San Antonio) It was three years ago that I married my soul mate and person that I knew I was destined to be with forever and raise a family with. I honestly believe there was a reason why Thad was so persistent in pursuing me and why he made multiple visits to Moose Magoos to try and convince me to go out with him! I think he knew something long before I decided to let my guard down and let him in! BUT I am so happy that I gave him a chance and three years and two kids later, I am MORE HAPPY THAN I HAVE EVER BEEN! I cannot imagine my life any other way and I am so blessed to have met and fallen in love with the most perfect man!
Anyway enough sap! We start school in less than a month and I honestly can't believe it! Last year was hard starting with just Berk so I know this year will be difficult as well. The change of pace is definitely going to be welcomed, but I have to say that I will most definitely miss the everyday ins and outs of staying home! ANyway here are some pictures and I will post again soon!

7/15/10....He figured out that he can take his pacifier out of his mouth!
7/17/10...She found a pen and gave herself her first tattoo! (Makes me proud!)

7/17/10...The mosquitos LOVED Berk's legs one night in the garden!


7/20/10...Berk was so proud of him for eating like a big boy!

7/22/10....WHERE IS MY BABY?! She looks SO grown up here to me! :(

7/23/10...First night in San Antonio eating at Hard Rock Cafe!

7/24/10...Getting ready to ride on a river boat to see the sights!
7/24/10....The Alamo

7/24/10...Us at The Alamo

7/24/10...Some nightlife!
7/24/10...Hollywood staple

7/25/10....Got ready for some football by watching Cowboys training camp! Let's hope that Tony doesn't choke this year!
7/26/10...GREEN PEAS!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Four Months (July '10)

July is off and running! We have had a great first half to this month and are looking forward to the rest. Berkley got to experience her first rodeo last Friday night and SHE LOVED IT! It had rained for an entire week and I was just so sure that it was going to be cancelled, but thankfully it wasn't! I think she mainly loved wearing her boots and then getting to ride the horse with Jaityn! All we heard after that was about riding the horse again! (I think a horse might have to purchased in the future! :)) Jack turned four months old on the 11th and it is crazy how much he is doing now! He has started in the Jumperoo and he loves sitting up. He tries so very hard to sit up when he is laying down. He is also sleeping in his "big boy bed" as of Saturday night! :( He is loving it and it just solidifies how big he actually is! He is also getting quite heavy and I am anxious to see how much he weighs when we go to his doctor's appointment on the 19th. ANyway, here are some pictures to keep you occupied!
7/9/10...Berk and Jaityn at the O'Donnell Rodeo!
7/9/10...Berk riding on the bus to the rodeo grounds! All we heard after this was "school bus!"

7/9/10...We saw this on the way to the rodeo...it didn't rain a DROP on us the whole time!

7/11/10...Big boy, four months old!
7/11/10...Such a handsome little guy!! The bib speaks volumes!

7/11/10...She is definitely going to be a shoe girl!
7/11/10...She thought she needed some time in the jumperoo too!
7/7/10...She thought it was cool that he was sitting up!

7/7/10...He thought it was cool that he had her Elmo!

7/7/10...She didn't think that was so cool...so she traded his puppy for her Elmo!

7/11/10...The good ol' Jumperoo!

7/12/10...Getting ready!
7/12/10...He has found his victim; get ready Webster!
7/12/10...Baking cookies!
7/12/10...The best part!
7/12/10...She has a fascination with hats!
7/13/10...Love the chub!
7/13/10...And the sweet smile!
7/13/10...Love her!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Fourth and Smarty Pants

Well the Fourth of July was a wet one around here and the area has totaled up record rainfall with the help of the Tropical Storm Alex! It was nice to sit around and just veg out for a few days, though I must admit! We went to Midland for the Fourth to visit Derrick and Mandy and watched the fireworks there! Berkley LOVED them and she kept saying "FIREWORKS!" She actually paid attention more than I thought she would! And she also rode the whole way to and from MIdland (an hour) without an accident and we went out to eat at Clear Springs in her "big girl panties" and she did AWESOME! I'm so proud and sad at the same time! I'm also glad that we didn't have to pull over on the side of the road because she would have had to learn the squatting technique and that probably wouldn't have gone too well! But overall, the Fourth was great and Thad had yesterday off so it was even better! I did a video of Berk in the tub last night just to prove to you skeptics, just how smart she really is! Hope you enjoy!

7/2/10...Oh Jack!
7/4/10...At Lowe's! We had to pass the time somehow!

7/4/10...Uncle Derrick showing her the ropes!

7/4/10...Trying all by herself!

7/4/10...Such a big girl!

7/4/10...Jack at the fireworks! We had to bundle him up a bit because the breeze was a tad bit chilly!
7/4/10...Berk in her Fourth gear!

7/4/10...I couldn't get a good one like last year!

7/4/10...In awe of the fireworks!
7/5/10...SMARTY PANTS!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Rest of June

Well June has come and gone and we still have most of our sanity intack! Berkley is pretty much potty trained but I still don't have the courage to take her out in public with her panties on. I know the courage will find me soon but that would mean that she is really a big girl and maybe, just maybe I'm not ready to admit that! :) She is really amazing us daily at how smart she is and it is truly scary! She can be in the bath with her foam letters and she can identify EVERY ONE OF THEM! She can also tell you that "B is for Berkley, M is for momma, D is for dad, P is for pops and papa, G is for gran" and we are working on "J is for Jack and Jayden, R is for Rachel, C is for Coco, N is for Nana and S is for Sara." She also can count to 10 and identify numbers 1-10. She loves on Jack so much and sometimes is a little overbearing! She mimics everything we do and say and her favorite and most hilarious thing she says right now is "Oh My G" instead of "OMG" and she will also say "Oh My Goodness" with emphasis on the "goodness!"
Jack is changing so much right now and I can't believe that he is almost 4 months old. We go for his 4-month visit on the 19th and he will get to start eating food! We changed formulas recently to the Similac RS for his spit up and it seems to be working better. He doesn't eat 7 oz like he was with the regular, but instead is full with 6 oz. He has started blowing raspberries, rolling over constantly from his tummy to his back and will be moving exclusively into 3-6 month clothes VERY SOON! He is also very close to holding his own bottle and just this week he has found his feet! He is still very laid back as long as you feed him when you're supposed to and make syre he's the center of attention! He's very much a momma's boy, but I'm OK with that! He still sleeps in our room, another thing that I haven't come to terms with yet. I know that once we move him out of our room that there is a very high likelihood that there will NEVER be another baby sleep in there again, so once again I am in denial I guess you could say! :*(
I think that is about it...July will hold more pictures and fun, I am sure. Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th! (Ours will be rainy!)

6-17-10...One of her favorite things to do now days: she gets a purse or bag, says she needs her money, keys and phone and then....

says "Bye bye" and when you ask her where she is going she will say "Walmart" and when you ask what for she will say "Pancakes" and she proceeds

to leave!

6-19-10...Mom, Rachel and Jayden came and visited! The kids had a blast swimming and it was so fun to see the two bigger ones together! Jayden couldn't get enough of following Berk around and I think Berk really liked being able to have someone to play with. It was a great look into what our house will be like in the time to come!


6-21-10...The blues look so good on him!

6-21-10...Look how big he is!

6-24-10...Chub butt!

6-24-10...Monkey face!
6-27-10...Critterfest 2010 at the Science Spectrum in Lubbock! She had a great time watching the tigers, petting the cows and just running around. Me and Aunt Sara had a girl's day with Berk and I think a good time was had by all (except for Sara's lack of caffeine!)

6-27-10...Jumping on the trampoline in the play area of the Science Spectrum

6-27-10...She was a little apprehensive at first!

6-27-10...I love this one of her!

6-27-10...Riding a big horse like a big girl! (Of course there was someone leading it!)

6-30-10...One of her favorite things to do in the summer time!

6-30-10....Why does she look so grown up to me in this picture?!

6-30-10...They love each other so much!

6-30-10...Already kissing frogs!!!