Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Four Months (July '10)

July is off and running! We have had a great first half to this month and are looking forward to the rest. Berkley got to experience her first rodeo last Friday night and SHE LOVED IT! It had rained for an entire week and I was just so sure that it was going to be cancelled, but thankfully it wasn't! I think she mainly loved wearing her boots and then getting to ride the horse with Jaityn! All we heard after that was about riding the horse again! (I think a horse might have to purchased in the future! :)) Jack turned four months old on the 11th and it is crazy how much he is doing now! He has started in the Jumperoo and he loves sitting up. He tries so very hard to sit up when he is laying down. He is also sleeping in his "big boy bed" as of Saturday night! :( He is loving it and it just solidifies how big he actually is! He is also getting quite heavy and I am anxious to see how much he weighs when we go to his doctor's appointment on the 19th. ANyway, here are some pictures to keep you occupied!
7/9/10...Berk and Jaityn at the O'Donnell Rodeo!
7/9/10...Berk riding on the bus to the rodeo grounds! All we heard after this was "school bus!"

7/9/10...We saw this on the way to the didn't rain a DROP on us the whole time!

7/11/10...Big boy, four months old!
7/11/10...Such a handsome little guy!! The bib speaks volumes!

7/11/10...She is definitely going to be a shoe girl!
7/11/10...She thought she needed some time in the jumperoo too!
7/7/10...She thought it was cool that he was sitting up!

7/7/10...He thought it was cool that he had her Elmo!

7/7/10...She didn't think that was so she traded his puppy for her Elmo!

7/11/10...The good ol' Jumperoo!

7/12/10...Getting ready!
7/12/10...He has found his victim; get ready Webster!
7/12/10...Baking cookies!
7/12/10...The best part!
7/12/10...She has a fascination with hats!
7/13/10...Love the chub!
7/13/10...And the sweet smile!
7/13/10...Love her!

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