Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas and 30-Week Doctor Visit!

Christmas was such a wonderful time for our family this year and we enjoyed getting to spend every minute with family members! Unfortunately, we did not get to go and spend Christmas with my parents as originally planned, thanks to the RARE North Texas BLIZZARD, but we did get some much-needed mom, dad and Berk time in and we are going to go and do "Christmas" this weekend. (Happy New Year/Christmas?!) Berkley of course, was plenty spoiled by Santa and what seemed like all 8 of his reindeer! She got way too many toys but has put them all to good use thus far! It was so fun to see her reaction this year and actually opening gifts and playing with them! She thought that every gift was hers of course and helped unwrapping more than her fair share! Thad and I both got awesome presents that I know we will put to great use; Thad's new driver for his golfing habit and a new sewing machine for me! (I can't wait to get to sewing some cute INEXPENSIVE clothes for Berk Tate and little Jack!) I think that is about all for our Christmas wrap up but I will post more after this weekend and our joyous time with my side of the family! Here are some pictures from Christmas!

12/24/09...Our backyard on Christmas Eve morning.

12/24/09...Dad and Berk Tate at Gran and Pop's house for our Christmas celebration!

12/24/09...This is her "cheese" now!

12/24/09...Opening up the first present....

12/24/09...a rocking pony from Uncle Rance!

12/24/09...Sporting the Texas Tech Anderson Bean boots!

12/25/09...Christmas morning! We videotaped everything so I didn't get many pictures.

12/25/09...Riding her giraffe "bike"

12/25/09...Santa also brought Berk Tate a rocking pony! This one will probably be Jack's so she can totally embrace the pink rocking pony!

12/25/09...The pink rocking horse!

12/25/09...Taking care of her baby!

12/25/09...Playing paddy cake with the baby!

And now for the 30 week doctor visit update! I gained 3 pounds which puts my total weight gain at 19 pounds and was very pleased with only 3 pounds over Christmas! His heart rate was in the 140s which it has been all along and I measured right at the correct measurement for 30 weeks! Everything looked great and we are just trucking along. I am starting to get to the point where I am very uncomfortable because he seems to want to put a LOT OF PRESSURE in my pelvis 24 hours a day! Overall I am feeling good, just a lot more pressure than I remember with Berk Tate! Anyway that is about it and I will post again after we get back from our Christmas/New Years celebration with my family! Hope everyone had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and are looking forward to a wonderful New Year! (I know we are very much looking forward to the excitement this year is sure to bring us!)


Thursday, December 17, 2009

28-Week Appointment

Well this morning, bright and early, I had my 28-week appointment and everything was great! I gained 7 pounds (an accomplishment since we have just had Thanksgiving if you ask me). my total weight gain is now 16 pounds and his heart rate was 142 bpm. She said everything looked great and I start two week visits, my first of which being on the 28th of December. I also had to take the glucose test where they test for gestational diabetes and thankfully it came back negative! No more blood draws for me, hallelujah! But all in all, everything has been great just counting down the days until Christmas break, Christmas, New Years, back to work and then baby Jack! Here is a picture of me at 28 weeks pregnant; Thad swears that I am MUCH larger than I was with Berk at this point (I am starting to agree), and I will post some pictures of the comparison as we get closer to delivery! Anyway hope everyone has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year! I am sure there will be some Christmas posts soon enough!


12/14/09...Berkley being silly after she got her hair blow dried!

12/14/09...28 weeks pregnant with "Bubba" Jack!

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Rest of Jack's Bedding

Well here are the rest of the pictures of Jack's bedding! I had had enough of the computer last night, so that is why you only got a sneak peek! But here is the rest, hope you enjoy!

MeadowsReversible blanket; don't know if you can tell,but the blue is like the chenille fabric!
Reversible blanket with pillow on top! The blue on the blanket and the brown on the pillow are that same chenille-like fabric!

Bed ruffle (the white and brown checked) and the bed sheet. Yes, that wonderful fabric again!

Bumper with ties!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jack's Bedding!

Well things around our house are definitely getting interesting with Christmas fast approaching and the birth of our sweet baby boy coming up way too fast! We ordered Jack's bedding at the beginning of November and just got it in the other day! Now, the lowdown on the bedding is this: my mother-in-law INSISTS on buying the bedding for all of the grandkids and by this I mean having it specially made from Graham Kracker in Midland, TX! (I can't thank her enough for doing this for Berk and now Jack!) You see, Graham Kracker has the most amazing women working there and they do such a FABULOUS job with any idea you throw at them. You get to go in and go through millions of scraps of fabrics and piece together just want YOU want for your wee ones nursery and it was so overwhelming with Berk but I found it much easier for Jack's! So I am posting some pictures of his bedding and also of Berk Tate just being her wonderful self! We are getting really excited about Christmas this year because we know that Berk will be such a joy to watch on Christmas morning. Another reason we are getting excited about Jack getting here is because one of my best friends at school just had her baby today; little Tripp Ray Roberts blessed his wonderful parents, Levi and Nicole! Also, Corey and Randi found out on Tuesday that they too will be blessed with a little boy; needless to say, our exciting life is going to be taking a big turn for the ULTRA EXCITING pretty soon! But anyway hope everyone is getting excited about Christmas and keeping warm! Enjoy the sneak preview of Jack's bedding!


12/9/09...She is definitely her daddy's child! I'm sure you can't see the resemblance at all! :)

12/9/09...So innocent!
12/9/09...Miss Big Time Personality! I love this one in black and white!

Diaper stacker for Jack's room (not the furniture that will be in his room)
One side of his pillow: monogrammed with his initials for Jack Brannon Meadows

Back side of pillow

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Forgot a Couple Pictures

Well before Thanksgiving, we took Berk on the Polar Express on the 21st of November, the same day we went to Holiday Happenings and had her picture taken with Santa. I had meant to post pictures BEFORE Thanksgiving but we all know how that goes! So here the pictures from the Polar Express, which she seemed to enjoy but I know she will really like in years to come! There are also some pictures from a week or so ago of her being nosy! Hope you enjoy and have a great Monday!

11/21/09...Take 1 for the Santa pic-the lady sent us this one because she thought the look on Santa's face was priceless! I have to agree!
11/21/09...Take 2 Santa pic; not much better but it'll have to do! I think she will be a Santaphobe for a while!

11/21/09...Getting ready to go on the Polar Express! Doesn't she look SO excited?!

11/21/09...Berk Tate and mom before the big adventure to the "North Pole!"

11/21/09...Our train; we were on Car 2

11/21/09...Our conductor!

11/21/09...This sweet little 17-month old girl that sat behind us; her and Berk had a blast just chatting and playing!

11/21/09...This so sweet 2 1/2 year old girl in front of us who kept Berk entertained when our efforts failed!

11/21/09...Checking out the bell that Santa gave her! She wasn't impressed with Santa by any means!
11/30/09...Berk showing us how old she is!

11/30/09...Going through the suitcase and already being introduced to feminine products!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving Break in Pictures

Our Thanksgiving break was full of fun with both sides of the family and we enjoyed getting to see almost everyone! (We hate that we missed some of you :( ) Berk had plenty of fun indulging in all the new foods but wasn't really too hot on all of it! She would have probably rather have had just her normal peas, carrots or corn and we could have called it good! But it was great to see all the of the families and it was fun to see Berk interact with my sister's baby, Jayden! The first thing she said when I was holding him was "Bubba." It was so cute, but she was sure quick to say "Bye byes" when it was time for him to go! She has started carrying around her baby and says "Baby" and gives "Bubba" kisses and hugs when you ask her to! She will sometimes raise up my shirt kiss "bubba" and then quickly put my shirt back down! She is such a chatterbox right now but it is so fun to here all the things she is saying! She can tell you what a horse, cow, sheep, chicken, bee, turkey, dog, cat and Santa say! Oh and she has also learned the word "NO" and uses it in the right context; along with her budding attitude it can get very interesting around here! We have also started to wean Berk off of her paci and she has done pretty good with it so far; she just gets it at nap time or bed time. We are trying to get her completely weaned by the time Jack gets here so she won't be so shell-shocked by something different! But anyway here are some pictures from the break and also a picture of the growing baby boy! I am 26 weeks and 1 day pregnant today and will go back to the doctor on the 17th for my 28 week appointment when I have to do my glucose test to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes! Well here are the pictures and I hope everyone had a safe and blessed Thanksgiving!


11/20/09...Just being goofy after we both got home from work. Her shirt says "Wild at Heart" and has the little boy with the monsters from "Where the Wild Things Are"; I found it quite fitting!

11/22/09...With her baby! The swaddle blanket that she uses for her baby was actually one that we used for her at first! It's so amazing to go back through those teeny tiny clothes and think that now she can use them for her DOLLS!

11/25/09...Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!

11/25/09...The little turkey at Thanksgiving!

11/25/09...Oh yes, another thing she has become fond of is climbing on EVERYTHING she get get her legs on!

11/25/09...Uncle Rance and Berk. This is her look now days when you want to take her picture!

11/27/09...Thad holding baby Jayden! Him and Berk have the same color eyes except his are a shade darker! He was so docile the whole time and just rolled and talked and wanted everyone's attention! What a doll! :)

12/1/09...Baby Jack!

Friday, November 20, 2009

24-Week Appointment

Well yesterday I had my 24-week appointment and everything looked GREAT! I tipped the scales with a 9-pound weight gain (YES YOU READ RIGHT!). His heartbeat sounded like it has before and she didn't tell me the rate but I am guessing somewhere in the 140's. She said everything looked great and at my visit on the 17th of December I will have to take the glucose test to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes; keep your fingers crossed! But everything with Jack was wonderful and Berkley is just being very hormonal with her molars coming in! Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for us; we are going to Breakfast with Santa (brunch is more like it) at 11:30 and she will get her picture with Santa and then we will browse Holiday Happenings and then go to ride the Polar Express tomorrow evening! Nothing like getting in the holiday spirit! All the while the boys are going to be putting up Christmas lights! I can't wait for Berk to see them on the house! She oohs and ahhs everytime the lights on the Christmas tree are turned on! :) It will be a great weekend I am sure and I am totally looking forward to the 2-day work week next week and then stuffing my face with wonderful food and great visiting with family next week! We are really looking forward to the great family time! Well I will post pictures on Monday and hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Strictly Pictures!

Well tomorrow I go to the doctor for my 24-week appointment. Nothing exciting going on just excited to hear little Jack's heartbeat! I raised up my shirt the other day to scratch my stomach and Berkley said, "Bubba!" and pointed to it! It was funny and I think the reality is starting to set in for her that there is something in there because it is getting bigger for sure! Anyway I just thought I would post some pictures from last few days or so! Hope you enjoy and I will post an update tomorrow on our progress!


These were taken Thursday of last week; she has learned something new which I am sure she has picked up from me doing it so much with her! She will grab a bag, sling it over her shoulder and say "Bye Bye!" and start waving! HILARIOUS!

And the phone of course is not surprise to anyone! She will always say "Dada" and act like she is carrying on a conversation!

Here she is waving "Bye bye"

11/13/09...Going to Gran and Pop's for the evening while mom and dad went to the football game.

11/13/09...With the NASCAR scanner that she thinks is phone!

11/17/09...Love this outfit!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday Fun Day!

Well yesterday wound up being a load of "fun" if that is what you want to call it! I got the Christmas tree put up AND decorated and while in the process, found out that Thad killed a 12-point buck!! Him and the guy that he hunts with both got bucks yesterday and we are taking Thad's lovely 12-point to the taxidermy lady to get him in someone else's freezer rather than mine! The lady said it would probably take about 4-6 months but I just want Thad to have this as a momento of his big shot! (Plus it might look cute in Jack's room and it will make for part of his Christmas gifts!) Berkley was quite enthralled with the Christmas tree when we got back from Gran and Pop's last night and Thad and I both know that it will be a real task to keep her little paws off of the ornaments! Speaking of Gran and Pop's, we went over there for dinner to welcome back the newlyweds; yes, I said NEWLYWEDS! Corey and his fiancee Randi Beth went and got hitched in Ruidoso this past Saturday! It is so nice to have another girl in the family and we wish them a very long and fulfilling life together! But anyway I just thought I would share in my joys of our Sunday! And of course give you all the picture of Thad's monster buck!


11/15/09...Berkley's new "brother" and the proud hunter himself!