Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our Daughter Has A......

STARING PROBLEM! Here is your proof!

We were outside at Gran and Pop's house waiting on Thad to get back from taking his car to its new owner's house (YAY!) and this lady came to give Gran a cake order and this is what Berk did while she talked to Gran; THE WHOLE TIME! Well hope you enjoy and hope you don't get caught in the crossfires of her next staredown! (She's intimidating for an almost 8-month old!) And yes, she will be 8 months old on the 5th of May; can you believe how time has flown by?! I know we can't! Well enjoy and head on over to the picture site since I finally got around to uploading some pictures to a new album!


Monday, April 27, 2009

Our Exciting Weekend and Other Stuff!

I know that I said that I was going to not post lengthy posts anymore, but this one is going to be kind of lengthy so just hold on! (I will also post other pictures this evening on the photo site to catch that up for those interested!) Well as most of you know, this weekend my sister got married so we traveled to my hometown and enjoyed (most of it anyway) the time with friends and family. I have forgotten how stressful a wedding can be and believe me, I am so relieved that I do not have to be in another one or plan one for quite a while! Needless to say, we were happy to get home and back to a routine with Berk this morning! So, before all the happenings of this weekend even began, Berk got her first tooth on Thursday! She had been teething for a while now and it finally broke the skin and you could definitely tell how relieved she was! (It is her middle, bottom right one for those of you who care!) She is not very open to showing it to you and you have to practically pry open her mouth to even catch a glimpse! She is quite hilarious when she plays with it with her tongue and looks like she is taking up her dad's bad habit! She was such a trooper the whole weekend and of course everyone just loved on her! She was pulled down the aisle in a wagon and did good staying in the wagon and not fussing, but as soon as dad got her out of the wagon she pitched a fit and they had to excuse themselves! (I think she got hot in her dress and was totally over it!) But she did great for pictures and all and even stayed awake for most of the reception and then of course was awake after we left when we thought she would go home and go straight to bed!! (HAHA not at all and I think she finally went down around 12:30 AM!) Papa bought her her very own wagon (a John Deere one) and a Radio Flyer car! She loved both of them and it won't be long before she will be wheeling around on that car! I don't really know what else to post about! My feelings are being kept in check from here on out and I am just hoping and praying that everything works out for everyone! But here are some pictures of the weekend! Hope you enjoy and hope you have a wonderful work week!


4/24/09...Thad's 27th birthday! Him and Berk got to spend quality time together all day while we ran around!

4/24/09...Miss Berkley Tate being a goofball with her bottle!
4/24/09...Rehearsal dinner camera happy!
4/24/09...At rehearsal dinner! She has become totally in love with her pacifier since starting to teethe!

4/24/09...Again camera happy! But who can resist a family photograph?! 4/25/09...Getting ready for the big event! (Do you see why she got a little toasty in her dress?!)
4/25/09...With the bride before she took the plunge!
4/25/09...Mom, Rach, me and Berk! And no, for anyone who might be asking themselves, I am not pregnant! (I just noticed that in this picture it kind of appears that way, but NO!)

4/25/09....The belle of the ball! She was absolutely adorable and a great sport the whole time! But what girl doesn't like getting spiffied up every once in a while?!
4/25/09...Me and my boo at the reception!

4/25/09...After the reception and trying to get a picture of the tooth! This was my best attempt and it still failed! But I got very close and it is right behind her lip there in the middle! Darn! 4/25/09...Playing at about midnight with her "famous" monkey! (Check out the video if you haven't seen it yet to see why he is "famous!")

4/25/09...Pulling up on the Radio Flyer! I wasn't joking when I said earlier that she was getting around and into everything! We can hardly keep her contained except when she is plum tuckered out!

4/25/09...Again, late at night wishing she would go to sleep, but instead taking advantage of the photo op!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Loving the Spring Weather!

We are so in love with the springtime weather here in West Texas and as a matter of fact it is supposed to be downright HOTT tomorrow! (Yes, I meant to put 2 t's there!) Berk has been enjoying the warm weather and she loves her swing and the puppies! I also love spring and summer because it means that I get to supply Berk's wardrobe with new cute clothes (at a pretty good price I might add) from Old Navy! Well hope you enjoy this cute picture of Berk! I am totally falling in love with photography these days; you reckon it is because my subject is so darn cute?! (I'm just a little partial of course!)


Monday, April 20, 2009

Catching Up!

Well Thad made it home safely today (not Sunday) and has been catching up on quality time with his favorite girl! Here is a video to prove it!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

We Love Boxes and the Kitty Cat!

Here is a video of Berkley this morning that I tried to post on the other post but was unsuccessful! She really enjoys crawling all over these boxes and pulling up on them! Well thought everyone would enjoy!


A Sigh of Relief

Well today, Sunday, will be the end of my 5-day single parenting run! Thad will finally be home toady from being gone since Tuesday for the NASCAR race in Phoenix and we couldn't be happier that he will be back! I love spending so much time with Berk especially since she is at daycare all day and our weeknights are so short, but single parenting really takes a toll on you! So kudos to all of you single moms who are able to manage that feat! It has been a great 5 days with just me and Berk, but for all of you who know me, you know that my peace of mind has not been totally there and that I could not be more happy to have Thad back so I can quit checking under beds and in closets everytime I come home! (Yes, I really do that and even employed the help of my brother-in-law the other night!) Yesterday we did have a great outing and went up to Lubbock and bought Thad his birthday present, me and Berk new dresses for my sister's rehearsal dinner this Friday and Berk some new bows and headbands and I couldn't believe the amount of people who came up to me and told me what a cute daughter I had! I could only thank them and just look at Berk and be reminded that she is so much more than just "cute" and that her personality and easy-going (albeit sometime stubborn) ways are really the reasons why she is so darn "cute!" I guarantee you that that many people would not have made that comment if we were sitting at our table at Chilis and she was screaming her head off, but instead she sat there in the high chair, ate her food, stared at all the people around her (have I mentioned that she has a staring problem) and was perfectly content to sit there and take in her surroundings while mom ate! (Yes, we were there by ourselves and no, I don't have a problem asking for a table for one and a high chair!) And that is one thing that I hope Thad and I instill in our "cute" daughter is that there are so many other things that make a person what and who they are and many reasons why people fall totally in love with them! SO, that is my preaching for the day! But anyway I don't how much I will post this week but can't wait to see family and friends and old aquaintances this weekend at my sister's wedding! I am sure that Berk will be nothing short of the performer that she is! Oh and there are new pictures on the photo site! Have a great week!


4/18/09...Mommy and me time!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Extended Easter Weekend

Well this weekend was a great one for the soul! We didn't have school on Friday because of Good Friday and we were also off today because we had a Bad Weather Day. It has been great to just relax and spend some much needed time with Thad and Berk! We started our weekend out on Thursday when we went to watch Uncle Francis (Rance is his real name) run in the district track meet! The 800 meter relay team and also the 1600 meter relay team advanced to the area track meet this Friday! We then just hung out the rest of the weekend, welcomed some much-needed rain and nursed a sick baby! Yes, a sick baby! She has had a runny nose since last Tuesday, but Saturday I noticed her pulling on her left ear and she had begun coughing! Well I thought it might get better with her taking the medicine she was on, but to no avail, we had to make a trip up to the doctor today to get it looked at! And sure enough, she not only has an infection in the left ear, but also the right and a red throat, probably indicating that she might have a viral infection. (according to the doc!) So she is on an antibiotic similar to a Z-Pack for adults and also drops to help with the pain in her ear! Oh, did I mention that she is also teething and it seems that her fang tooth on the left side is the one showing the most prominence right now! (Probably another reason for the runny nose and sore ears!) So that is what our household has dealt with over the weekend and tomorrow we start another shortened work week! Oh yeah, did I mention that it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep Berk in one place and she now prefers to be on the floor going EVERYWHERE (unless she doesn't feel good that is and then she wants my hip only!) She is also pulling up on EVERYTHING you can imagine and even lets go sometimes just to see if she can stand there!She also loves "jumping" in her bed and looks like a little monkey doing it! Dad also put her swing up in the backyard and she got to taste "real sweet potatoes" and she definitely liked the puree ones more! Oh yes, and just tonight, she got her hand slapped by DAD for the first time! (she has also had it slapped a few other times for trying and succeeding in getting in the cat food) So that is our exciting life right now trying to control a 7-month old! I am posting three pictures here of her swing, Easter and her ear infection but there are a TON on the photo site! http://ourworldtoyours.shutterfly.com/ Hope everyone has a great week and keep us in your thoughts!


4/10/09...Enjoying the nice weather and the new swing! Thanks dad!

4/11/09...Easter Sunday in her Easter outfit!

4/12/09...Getting ready for bed with the cotton in her ears after her ear drops! You can just tell she doesn't feel good! :(

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy "Hump Day"

Well I just thought I would post this picture of Berk because she was in such a great mood and I found this cute dress at Wal-Mart for $6.50! She sat straight up in bed this morning and just reached up for me to get her! She was so active again yesterday and settled for one 1-hour nap all day! She also got her hand slapped for the first time for trying to get Gran's book off of her shelf (on the bottom) after Gran had told her two times to not go over there and mess with it! On the third time, Gran told her "no" again and she proceeded to look up, give her little grin, and reach for it anyway! And upon reaching for it, she received her first swatted hand! (Apparently it was not an easy task for Gran either!) But that is why we are so happy that she stays with her Gran because we know that things will be enforced the same way they will at our house! But she is still just going everywhere and yesterday she crawled from one room to the other to go and see her dad! I love it! It really makes my heart burst with happiness! Well hope everyone has a great "hump day" and tomorrow is the last day of the work week for me and we also have Monday off! It will be a much needed rest at the Meadows' house and good quality time to spend with our Berk! (Thad is off Friday too!) Well hope everyone has a great rest of the week and I am sure I will post either before or after Easter! "Hoppy" Easter!


4/8/09--Getting ready to go to Gran's! She really was in a good mood and I thought this picture of her and dad was great! Love you both!

4/8/09---"What are you doing with that darn camera this early in the morning?!" (This was about 5:30 AM!)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

An Active Girl's Late Afternoon/Evening!

Well yesterday being Berk's first whole day of crawling was nothing short of active! Gran said that she did not nap hardly at all, probably for fear that she would miss something! So, when we got home yesterday afternoon, she was all about playing with the dogs, crawling around, not wanting to take a little nap, playing with bowls while I cooked, crawling to mom and dad, playing with the cat, etc. As you can see, she has been NON-STOP since Sunday night! So I thought I would mark this momentous occasion with some pictures! Hope you enjoy!


4/6/09...After her bath! This was at about 7:45 PM. Take into account that she usually stays up with us until we go to be around 9:30 PM!

4/6/09...Crawling on mommy's leg!

4/6/09..."I just want to give you some lovin' Webster!" And boy does she ever when she gets to him!

4/6/09...CRANKY PANTS! She was so ready for bed...

4/6/09...See what I mean?! This was RIGHT after I laid her down! And she slept the entire night without much movement! Our little girl is growing up so fast and we aren't the biggest fans of it! We have a bet going on that she will probably be walking within a month! GEEZ! Love it!

Monday, April 6, 2009

New House Pictures

I am posting the new house pictures on the photo site so that the posts will start becoming minimal on the blog! We did a bunch of hanging stuff this weekend and it looks and feels more "homey" but we still have some other stuff and little nit picky things I want to do! (Thad loves it when I have more that I want him to do! Love ya!) But you will get the big picture by looking through the pictures! Again, keep in mind that we have a crawler on our hands so the pictures are of a house fit for a crawler who will sooner rather than later be getting into everything we are sure! Well hope you enjoy the pictures and keep checking back! http://ourworldtoyours.shutterfly.com/.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ladies and Gentleman, We Are...

CRAWLING!!! She has been pretty close to crawling for a while now, but it is official, she is going EVERYWHERE! She is so curious and I think that it will get her in trouble before we know it, but for right now we are enjoying her momentous occasions like this and have taken a video so you can enjoy it too!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Photo site!

Hey everyone! Well I was blog searching today and saw that there is an easier way to share photos than these long posts like I have been doing! So there is a link on the righthand side of our blog that is to our photo site! It is http://ourworldtoyours.shutterfly.com and I think this will really help me minimize my posts and give you a chance to order any pictures you might see! So, this is just an FYI post and hopefully we will get a lot accomplished this weekend so I can really post pictures of the house this time! Have a great weekend!