Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Big Changes are A Comin'!

Well we are almost into our first six months (HALF A YEAR) as a family of five and I can honestly say that we have adjusted rather quickly and nicely! The weirdest thing about going to a family of six and adding two babies at the same time is how easily it happened and how easily everyone adjusted and has settled in! When I think back to our beginning, right after the girls were born, it is as if God knew that we all needed a little time to adjust to the concept of two babies at the same time, doubling our kids in one fell swoop and going from a family of four to six so quickly, and their NICU stay gave us all that time we needed to begin to figure things out. Those two weeks are such a blur to me but for whatever reason, I feel like it gave me a good foundation to leap from, because that is exactly what it was! People today look at us (and me especially if I am somewhere with all 4 kids by myself) and say "HOW DO YOU DO IT?!" And my response to them is always, "This is what we do; there is no other normal for us!" The girls are WONDERFUL babies; so easygoing, sleep through the night since they were 8 weeks old, sweetest personalities, great dispositions and they just fit right into our ebb and flow; they work in OUR world! THeir brother and sister absolutely LOVE them and we seriously would not have it any other way! They are eating solid foods now, both are over 12 lbs and just change everyday! Marin is our chatter box and Malin is our laid back baby who can be pretty clingy! But both are the sweetest things ever! Berkley just finished up her first year of t-ball and I think she enjoyed herself! (It helped that she had two other girls on her team that were her friends!) Jack and Berk just finished tumbling also; this was Berk's second year and Jack's first and they both loved it!

Now onto our big changes! We will be moving in a little over a week to the town where Thad now works! We are BEYOND excited about this new change for our family and seriously cannot wait to get over there and get settled in! You know, ever since I have been dating Thad, he has always driven about an hour from where we have lived to got to work. At first when we were dating and even first married, this was not a big deal. After we had Berkley I could tell that it affected him, but it was what it was and what it always has been and we have made it work. As we got word that there was a chance that we could be moving to where he was working, we tried to not let our hopes get too high because we had had what we thought were chances before and they didn't pan out. So, through all of this we have really tried to not get too excited, but now that we are under contract for our house and our new house, we are ecstatic! Everything has just worked out so smoothly and I am so happy that it has! I don't think we ever stop and think about two hours (an hour to work and an hour home) being such a big deal in the grand scheme of things. But when you add up those hours and they come out to 10 hours a week away from your family, I think it begins to wear on you! Some don't understand that and see the travel as part of the daily grind, but it you could, wouldn't you want to be as near to the ones you love and JUMP at the chance to do so?! Well we do and we are jumping, both feet in at this chance and can't wait to minimize that 10 hours to less than an hour a week! We have found a brand new house in this awesome town and we feel so incredibly blessed to get this opportunity! Berk will start Pre-K and Jack will go to Preschool at a church three days a week! I can't wait to get over there and get settled into our new routine and new house!

That's all the update I will leave you with this evening and I am going to try and get more regular at this but with moving and such it may be just hopeful thinking! I do have a new laptop that I am on so maybe its portability will help! THanks for keeping up with us! Can't wait to share our new beginning!

The Meadows