Sunday, December 9, 2012

Twins Part 2, The Last Part

Well since I last wrote, we have had lots going on, lots completed and now we are in the final stage of getting our twin girls here! As a matter of fact, tomorrow I will be 37 weeks (full term) for twins and we are planning an induction on the Wednesday, 12/12/12. I have a doctor's visit in the morning and we will see what has progressed (at my visit last Wednesday I was 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced) and then go from there. The doctor on Wednesday told me that I was "totally induceable" and we are already scheduled for the induction on Wednesday! After the last two days and plenty of contractions, I can't say that I am so set on Wednesday and if she gives me the option of tomorrow or Wednesday, I may take tomorrow! We are just so ready to meet our girls and get on with our new normal! As you can see from reading this, things are pretty normal, like any other pregnancy, but a few weeks ago, we weren't so sure everything was "normal."

I have been going weekly for about 4 weeks now and I had noticed that for a couple of weeks I had been measuring the same which immediately had me wondering but the doctor never seemed concerned so I tried not to let the thoughts slip into my mind. I was still measuring weeks ahead of where I was (normal for twin pregnancies) so I just thought I was getting a lucky break and not getting the HUGE belly that I had dreaded for a while! Well when I went in for an ultrasound on November 19 (3 weeks ago tomorrow), they did a growth scan (they are conducted every 4 weeks) and they determined that "Baby A" was much smaller than "Baby B." Their weights were "A" at 3 lbs. 8 oz. and "B" at 4 lbs. 7 oz. At our previous growth scan (4 weeks before this one), they were at a 15% discordance and they said that there was no real "concern" unless the discordance got up to 20% and above. Well at the scan on Nov. 19th the discordance between the girls was exactly 20%, 400 grams. Well I knew that that meant more watch and so they scheduled me to start coming twice weekly for non-stress tests and once a week for dopplers on the girls (their brains, hearts and bellies) to make sure that everything was going well. Now, immediately I thought the worse because that is what I do! I could see on the ultrasound with my naked eye that there was a large (or what seemed large) size difference in the girls. After going into our doctor that following week, she reassured us that this could be nothing but that it would do no one any good if we didn't monitor it because there was a possibility of it being something. She did let us know that 400 g is not a huge difference and that if the discordance had been 18 or 19% then we would not be having the conversation. I don't know if I have ever mentioned how much I love our doctor, but she is a wonderful woman and knew exactly how to ease my nervousness about the whole situation. Now, we had already deemed that "Baby B" was the stinker in the group and that she was a lot like her brother and she has proven herself over! She is the "chubby" one and is extremely obstinate when it comes to non-stress tests and staying on the monitor! "Baby A" continues to show that she is like her sister, the smaller one, pretty obedient and just goes with the flow. It will be interesting to see how their intrauterine characteristics play out when they get here.

So, I started going in for non-stress tests the Friday after Thanksgiving and "Baby B" proved obstinate and it took us about 15-20 minutes for us to find her and get her to stay on the monitor! After we got both girls on and they both proved reactive, we were released and everything looked good. My appoitments were scheduled for every Monday and Thursday and on each non-stress test and doppler, the girls have done great! On our non-stress test last Monday they had to do an ultrasound to see the girls' positions and they were both head down! I am really hoping both have stayed and we will be able to deliver naturally. Again, the girls have done wonderfully on all of their non-stress tests and their dopplers have been just as good. When we looked at them last Wednesday, it did seem like their size was not AS noticeably different so I am hoping "Baby A" has caught up and we are thinking maybe 5-5 1/2 lbs each! I think I am just measuring about 40 weeks and I really don't know if I could manage my belly being any bigger!

Now onto the thinking of our family growing possibly tomorrow but for sure by the end of the week! I have not really sat and thought about this much, I really have been on auto pilot for some time! This pregnancy has been swimmingly smooth and really much easier than Jack's was even though I am carrying twins. Dr. Phillips constantly comments on the the fact that I have had a perfect pregnancy and that I should sign up for more multiple pregnancies; at this we laugh!! :) This is my last pregnancy and again, I am at a loss for emotions about how I really feel about it. Dr. Phillips has asked that if I have to have a c-section do I want her to go ahead and do a tubal and to this I had initially said yes, but now I don't know. The only reason I am saying I don't know is because I feel like that is taking something from me...weird, I know! THe kids are so excited about their sisters being here and I know they will be great once they are here, but it scares the living daylights out of me to think that they will hate us after the girls get here! (Like Berk did when Jack got here) We have prepared them the best we know how and I already see them maturing so much right before our eyes. With Berk being 4, she really will be the best helper and I just don't know how Jack will handle HIS mom being indisposed for multiple hours with feedings, changings, etc! I am hoping and praying for the best out of both of htem and I know that eventually it will be a perfect situation, but I don't know how my emotions will handle the beginning. I really haven't let myself take in the full gamut of all that is fixing to happen and I know that it will come down around me like a pile of bricks before it is said and done. Again, we are so excited about the growing of our family we can hardly stand it and are just ready to get through all the anitcipation and just get going! We are praying for a smooth delivery (hopefully no c-section) and that both girls and mom will be healthy enough to come home soon after!

I am going to leave you with some pictures taken over hte last couple months, of the girls, my belly, Berk and Jack and just invite you to come back and visit when we get our girls here!


 Berkley started dance class in September!
 At Rich & Bradi's wedding
 Going to Tech vs. New Mexico football game!
 South Plains Fair
 Halloween-Berk was Sleeping Beauty and Jack a pirate. Jack had had the stomach bug night and part of the day before and he was not feeling too grand!
 I celebrated my 28th birthday and had these beautiful flowers sent to my by my bestie!
 Polar Express time!
 Love this little boy!
 My main guys!
 Sweet Berk Tate
 Baby A on top and Baby B on bottom at 26 weeks
 Had our first trip to the ER with Jack for a bead he shoved up his nose
 34 weeks...The two faces are of Baby A and the foot is Baby B's; she was being uncooperative this day!
 Belly growth starting at 12 weeks
These are at 34 and 36 weeks.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Twins Part One

In documenting this pregnancy, I suppose I should start from the beginning as to not forget anything and since I am 21 weeks today I figure this is a perfect time to document the first half! Like I said in the last post, I found out I was pregnant a day before Thad's 30th birthday so I thought it was a perfect birthday gift! We were very excited and told everyone soon after I had my first doctor's visit which was that Friday after finding out. At the appointment, I had told the nurse that I would prefer to have an early ultrasound (8 wks) as there was a history of twins in our family and I had had multiple dreams about more than one baby. The nurse was so kind and didn't think I was too crazy so we scheduled it for 8 weeks (the last Monday before school got out). As I said, I had the sneaking suspicion that I was carrying more than one baby but really didn't give it too much thought and everytime I brought it up to Thad all he said was "Babe please don't wish that on us!" In my previous pregnancies, I had started getting "morning sickness" at 6 weeks on cue, but with this one, it waited until Mother's Day to rear its ugly head (the sickness that is!) Well that following Monday we had field day at school so I was plenty exhausted by the time my 3:30 appointment rolled around and it was an awkward ride to Lubbock with Thad as we just really rode in silence with not much to talk about (a strange omen?!) Well when we got to the medical office and were waiting to go back we jokingly talked about there being twins and having to go look at suburbans afterward and then we were called back...

As we were sitting there and the lady asked why I had chosen to have an early ultrasound I told her about our family history of twins and that I had had some dreams about twins and so we got around to the ultrasound. As she saw the first one, she then rolled the "wand" over and said "Yes indeed there are two!" I don't think I have ever seen the SHOCK and utter SILENCE from my husband as I did in that moment! All we could really do at that point was laugh and I just said to him "Don't ever doubt a mother's instinct!" The twins were determined as dichorionic and diamniotic (I think those are the terms), which means that they each have their own little "hole" and each has their own placenta (the less risky of all multiple pregnancies). One had a heart rate in the 150s and the other in the high 130s, which was good that each had a heartbeat at 8 weeks. After the doctor came in and offered his "condolences" (haha) we left the office and tried to let this information sink in. When we "announced" to everyone it was AMAZING to see the love and support from everyone and I think it made the sheer shock wear off a LITTLE! Based on their heart rates, our initial reaction was boy/girl just because Berkley's had always been in the 150s and Jack's in the 130s; the kids were excited that they each might get their own baby!

Time went on and the sickness lingered. I did get a prescription that helped but I tried not to take it unless I felt I was absolutely not going to be able to function without it. School let out and I was "unemployed" and began enjoying my summer with my two babes (on days I could pull myself out of bed, that is!) Each doctor visit went by swimmingly and the babies' heart rates began to settle into a pattern of being both in the 140s. At 14 weeks the sickness finally subsided and I actually felt somewhat human again just VERY exhausted. There were many nights of Thad being a single parent and I am so thankful that he was more than willing to take on that role. We go once a month to my OB and then every 4 weeks for ultrasounds. When I went in for our 17 week ultrasound I asked the lady if she wouldn't mind just "peeking" to see if we could determine the babies' sexes. At this point, I had kind of ruled out the boy/girl option for the babes because their heart rates had basically been synonymous and I was thinking girl/girl all the way. I let Thad hold on to his hope for another boy but just reminded him that he had initially said (when we first found out I was pregnant) that he hoped that "pencil test" was true and that it would be a girl so he could just have his little buddy time with Jack. (The "pencil test" said girl/boy/girl) So at 17 weeks everything looked great again and when the lady went to take a peek, she saw that both were presenting as girls (though "twin b" was being stubborn and it wasn't as clear as 'twin a'). It was amazing at our 17 week ultrasound how much 'twin a' looked like Berkley did at 20 weeks (we couldn't get a picture of 'twin b' becaue she was shoved right up against my uterus and as we tried to make her moved she just buried her face more!) So, once again, I felt my instinct was proven and I was excited to tell Thad that there were two more Berkleys on the way! :) At 17 weeks the girls both weighed 5 oz and everything measured right on their target gestational age.

The funny thing about twin pregnancies is that they are considered full term at 38 weeks so as we were approaching 19 weeks I just had to calmly remind myself that I could be at halfway or even a little over as my doctor told me that she usually delivers twins at 36 or 37 weeks and that multiple births tend to come early. We have been busy around the house and we have transitioned Jack into a twin-sized bed, no diapers at night and sharing a room with Berkley! We have also started the process of transitioning Berk's old room into the nursery/playroom. We still have plenty to do but the "honey-dos" are becoming less! :) We went today for the big anatomical ultrasound as I am 21 weeks and it was confirmed that both babies are indeed girls! They each weigh 12 oz and everything from their hearts, to their brains, to their spines, to the bellies, to their fluid measured good! So as for right now, we are just smooth sailing! I go in on Thursday for a regular OB visit and then will see her again in September and then I start going every TWO weeks! How's that for a timeline?! I am leaving you with some pictures of each twin from their 17 week and 21 week ultrasounds, a comparison of Twin A, Berk and Jack from 17 weeks, a comparison of all 4 from this ultrasound, a look at both twins together and also some pics of my growing belly! Hope you enjoy and stay tuned in for more fun times around the Meadows house!

Twin A has many attributes that are so much like Berkley! At 17 weeks she looked so similar to Berkley and even has certain dispositions like Berk did in utero such as having her hands by her face ALL THE TIME!

Twin B is the one that we initially thought was a boy due to heart rate but as you can clearly see, she is not! She has a lot personality traits that are like Jack's; she is stubborn and if she doesn't want to do something then she doesn't; i.e. when we tried to get a good picture of her face at 17 weeks she turned directly away from us into her placenta and went about her business. Today at 21 weeks she was sucking her thumb!  

This is Jack (on top), Twin A (middle from 17 weeks) and Berk (bottom). Berkley and Twin A's similar physical attributes are so striking to me!

Here are all four: Twin B (top left), Twin A (top right), Jack (bottom left) and Berkley (bottom right).

This is Twin B (on top) and Twin A (on bottom) from their 21 week ultrasound. I can't tell right now if I think they will look alike! I think each has similar physical attributes but I don't know if they will look identical or not!

These pictures are at 12 weeks (top left), 17 weeks (top right), 19 weeks (bottom left) and 21 weeks (bottom right).

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wow It Has Been a WHILE!

Ok, since my last post (over a year ago), we have had LOTS happen around our household! We have had birthdays, anniversaries, a pet lost and a pet gained, quitting of a job and probably the most exciting is that we are expecting TWINS in December! Like I said, there has been LOTS happening and I know that there will be TONS left out of this post, but most importantly, I want to get back to blogging to document this monumental and LAST pregnancy for our family. Before I found out I was pregnant (a day before Thad's 30th birthday, April 23rd), I had become a runner to get myself back in shape and I absolutely fell in love with with! I fell SO in love with it, that I actually ran numerous races and was doing great losing weight and having some "me" time that I never thought I would find from running! I was 2 lbs away from my goal weight (125 lbs) when I found out I was pregnant and since then, running has taken a backseat to all of the hormonal changes that have taken place in my body, carrying two babies! (Those changes came on FAST and have been FURIOUS up to about 2 weeks ago when I was 14 weeks) I told myself that I was going to continue to run during this pregnancy so not to gain the 52 lb like I did with Berk, but since finding out there were two, I have NOT ran, but I am still planning on getting around to walking! I do plan on continuing to run after this pregnancy and hopefully I will be able to have them naturally so that I will not have to wait too long to hit the trails again!

 I am NOT going to recap the last year, but will put some more recent pictures of the kids. We have been beyond blessed this last year and I know that the months to come will lead to many more blessings for our entire family not only with the addition of our twins, but also with me being able to stay "home" with the kids. This change took lots of thinking and praying about but after we found out that the twins were on the way, we knew that God had lead us to a position in our lives where this will be the best for our family. We are just praying that He will provide what our family needs both before and after the twins' birth and we are relying heavily on a lot of love and support from friends and family. So with that being said, here are some pictures and I hope you keep tuned in to all of the fun and exciting things that will happen in the upcoming months!

Our newest member of the family that we got last summer after we had to put Maddox down. He is another Border Collie (is MUCH bigger now) and his name is Sparky

Berkley celebrated her 3rd birthday and her 4th is a month and a half away!

The brother/sister "love" has been in full force!

 Christmas 2011

 Lamesa Stockshow with Kenley-January 2012

 Berkley showing a pig at the Welch Stockshow

 Jack at the Welch Stockshow

 Valentine's Day 2012

 Jack had his 2nd birthday!

 Easter 2012

 Expert egg hunters

 Cousins in the bluebonnets

 Twin A

Twin B

Hope everyone is looking forward to this adventure like we are, so settle in, bookmark this website and get ready to enjoy our wild ride!
