As we were sitting there and the lady asked why I had chosen to have an early ultrasound I told her about our family history of twins and that I had had some dreams about twins and so we got around to the ultrasound. As she saw the first one, she then rolled the "wand" over and said "Yes indeed there are two!" I don't think I have ever seen the SHOCK and utter SILENCE from my husband as I did in that moment! All we could really do at that point was laugh and I just said to him "Don't ever doubt a mother's instinct!" The twins were determined as dichorionic and diamniotic (I think those are the terms), which means that they each have their own little "hole" and each has their own placenta (the less risky of all multiple pregnancies). One had a heart rate in the 150s and the other in the high 130s, which was good that each had a heartbeat at 8 weeks. After the doctor came in and offered his "condolences" (haha) we left the office and tried to let this information sink in. When we "announced" to everyone it was AMAZING to see the love and support from everyone and I think it made the sheer shock wear off a LITTLE! Based on their heart rates, our initial reaction was boy/girl just because Berkley's had always been in the 150s and Jack's in the 130s; the kids were excited that they each might get their own baby!
Time went on and the sickness lingered. I did get a prescription that helped but I tried not to take it unless I felt I was absolutely not going to be able to function without it. School let out and I was "unemployed" and began enjoying my summer with my two babes (on days I could pull myself out of bed, that is!) Each doctor visit went by swimmingly and the babies' heart rates began to settle into a pattern of being both in the 140s. At 14 weeks the sickness finally subsided and I actually felt somewhat human again just VERY exhausted. There were many nights of Thad being a single parent and I am so thankful that he was more than willing to take on that role. We go once a month to my OB and then every 4 weeks for ultrasounds. When I went in for our 17 week ultrasound I asked the lady if she wouldn't mind just "peeking" to see if we could determine the babies' sexes. At this point, I had kind of ruled out the boy/girl option for the babes because their heart rates had basically been synonymous and I was thinking girl/girl all the way. I let Thad hold on to his hope for another boy but just reminded him that he had initially said (when we first found out I was pregnant) that he hoped that "pencil test" was true and that it would be a girl so he could just have his little buddy time with Jack. (The "pencil test" said girl/boy/girl) So at 17 weeks everything looked great again and when the lady went to take a peek, she saw that both were presenting as girls (though "twin b" was being stubborn and it wasn't as clear as 'twin a'). It was amazing at our 17 week ultrasound how much 'twin a' looked like Berkley did at 20 weeks (we couldn't get a picture of 'twin b' becaue she was shoved right up against my uterus and as we tried to make her moved she just buried her face more!) So, once again, I felt my instinct was proven and I was excited to tell Thad that there were two more Berkleys on the way! :) At 17 weeks the girls both weighed 5 oz and everything measured right on their target gestational age.
The funny thing about twin pregnancies is that they are considered full term at 38 weeks so as we were approaching 19 weeks I just had to calmly remind myself that I could be at halfway or even a little over as my doctor told me that she usually delivers twins at 36 or 37 weeks and that multiple births tend to come early. We have been busy around the house and we have transitioned Jack into a twin-sized bed, no diapers at night and sharing a room with Berkley! We have also started the process of transitioning Berk's old room into the nursery/playroom. We still have plenty to do but the "honey-dos" are becoming less! :) We went today for the big anatomical ultrasound as I am 21 weeks and it was confirmed that both babies are indeed girls! They each weigh 12 oz and everything from their hearts, to their brains, to their spines, to the bellies, to their fluid measured good! So as for right now, we are just smooth sailing! I go in on Thursday for a regular OB visit and then will see her again in September and then I start going every TWO weeks! How's that for a timeline?! I am leaving you with some pictures of each twin from their 17 week and 21 week ultrasounds, a comparison of Twin A, Berk and Jack from 17 weeks, a comparison of all 4 from this ultrasound, a look at both twins together and also some pics of my growing belly! Hope you enjoy and stay tuned in for more fun times around the Meadows house!
Twin A has many attributes that are so much like Berkley! At 17 weeks she looked so similar to Berkley and even has certain dispositions like Berk did in utero such as having her hands by her face ALL THE TIME!
Twin B is the one that we initially thought was a boy due to heart rate but as you can clearly see, she is not! She has a lot personality traits that are like Jack's; she is stubborn and if she doesn't want to do something then she doesn't; i.e. when we tried to get a good picture of her face at 17 weeks she turned directly away from us into her placenta and went about her business. Today at 21 weeks she was sucking her thumb!
This is Jack (on top), Twin A (middle from 17 weeks) and Berk (bottom). Berkley and Twin A's similar physical attributes are so striking to me!
Here are all four: Twin B (top left), Twin A (top right), Jack (bottom left) and Berkley (bottom right).
This is Twin B (on top) and Twin A (on bottom) from their 21 week ultrasound. I can't tell right now if I think they will look alike! I think each has similar physical attributes but I don't know if they will look identical or not!
These pictures are at 12 weeks (top left), 17 weeks (top right), 19 weeks (bottom left) and 21 weeks (bottom right).
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